Tommy Shelby - Broken Angel

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REQUESTED BY juviaheartattack1

Warning - this will contain scenes and mentions of abuse, mentions of drugs and drinking underage, and an aborted pregnancy. Please read at your own risk as these scenes could be triggering. I love you all so please be careful.

If you are experiencing any of the problems mentioned above, please get help and talk to someone about it. I'm always here if you need to talk, but I urge you to talk to someone professional who can offer help.


Thomas Shelby stood tall in front of a big mansion. He didn't feel small compared to the hugely structured building, nor did he feel intimidated. He simply felt ambitious and ready. If Tommy and his brothers even had the smallest of ideas of what secrets the house held, how much pain and heartbreak the walls absorbed, their pride and cockiness would've been dropped in an instant. They would remove their infamous peaked caps and bow their heads, nothing but sorrow and pity running through their veins. Maybe if they knew they would do something about it, but that was just it; if they knew.


You could say the word a million times. You often did say the word each day. You had grown to rely on that word. It was your rock, the only kindle of wood fueling your fire. You lived for the word 'if' and what it could bring.

'If' had turned into a certain blue -eyed, devilish, Brummie boy that had sparked the tiniest of hope that you had left. The sound of footsteps walking across the gravel before your father's house had you cursing under your breath. If only they knew, you thought.

Your thoughts were rather quickly interrupted when your father burst into your bedroom, the door swinging open and hitting the wall beside it, making you cringe. Your eyes widened with fear and you scrambled desperately from your place on the window sill to stand on your feet. Your heart was hammering in your chest, your head was spinning, your bones were aching and your stomach cried for some sort of food. Your body was slowly giving up on itself, and the sad thing was, you knew it and it brought nothing but relief to you. Relief that all this pain and heartbreak that your father had brought on you would finally be over. The thought of your father coming in to shout wicked names at you, and give you your daily dosage of chores that he wanted done for the day, along with a beating sent nothing but shivers through your bones. Your reward for getting everything he wanted done would be supper; the scraps off your family's plate and a bath with nearly cold water. You were surprised you had lasted nineteen years in this condition, your body so badly neglected your ribs poked through your skin and your spine was more prominent than it should've been.

You swallowed a whimper when he leaped forward and clutched your brown curly locks in his fist, dragging you out of your bedroom and into the main corridor wear he threw you against the wall. You sank to the floor and felt the pitiful gaze of the maids on your battered and bruised body. Your eyes fluttered open and you began to see stars, your head starting to pound. Your father bent down to you and clasped his strong harsh hands around your neck, dragging you up the wall so that you were choking slightly.

"Now listen to me, you little slut. I've got visitors round so I want you locked in that room where they can't hear or see you? You understand me? It would be embarrassing if they were to see such a disappointment." He spat and slammed you further up the wall. You nodded frantically and felt him remove his hand, letting your small figure slide down the wall and hit the floor.

What your father nor yourself had realised was that Thomas Shelby, and his brothers, had witnessed everything. Your father stood away from you and clapped his hands together, walking over to his guests from Birmingham and gesturing them into his office.

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