Michael Gray - 'Crazy in Love (Fifty Shades of Grey REMIX)' by Beyoncé

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Fuck were you deep, the tension and pull towards Michael could be felt by anyone. Your bodies knew the other one was close before you could see each other, the sexual tension and arousal brightly glowing off both of you. What was stopping you from acting on it? You didn't know and neither did Michael. It was unexplainable, you didn't understand it. Why were you so attracted to him? You didn't want it to happen, you both worked together and wanted the friendship to be mainly professional, but boy were you wrong. You wanted each other and you wanted each other badly. The boys used to tease and joke about the connection you both shared - the unexplained glances, the effortless banter that you would enrol, and the way you understood each other. That soon stopped when they had realised that this was serious, it wasn't just a crush, it wasn't just a quick crush that would soon fade. Nope, you were meant to be. Like two magnets, you couldn't help the pull you felt towards each other. You both craved the feeling of being in each other's presence, the feeling of each other's shoulders rubbed against each other or the longing gazes that you would always get lost in. If you couldn't see him or hear him, your heart throbbed and screamed for him.


Today was Tommy's wedding day, and both you and Michael had been invited. Tommy knew how badly in love you both were. In fact, he knew that you were both in love even if you didn't know.

Throughout the church service, you and Michael had shared glances that made you heart hammer with such a force you felt sick. You hated the way you felt about him, how much control he had over you, how one slight touch could send you into a world of ecstasy. You despised it, yet you kept finding yourself wanting more and more.

"Y/N!" You heard John bellow from across the table, he was drunk and in a jokingly manner - never a good mix. "John," you replied back, tilting your head towards his cocky grin. Clearly, Tommy had planned the lay out of the table, as you were opposite Michael. Neither of you were complaining though, it only meant that the welcoming tension had gotten thicker and even more noticeable. "Come for a cigar with me!" he beckoned, motioning outside. You knew after years and years of being best friends with John that it was never a good idea to say no to drunk John. He wanted to talk, you knew him too well. There was something on his mind that he needed to run through with you. You nodded towards John and then turned back to Michael and watched him wink at your growing smirk. "I'll be back in a minute. Don't drink all that whiskey, keep some for me." You warned mockingly before you pushed your chair back and met John standing to the side of you.

"Wouldn't dream of it, darlin'" Michael replied before he gave you a reassuring wink and smirk. You turned to John and let him wrap your arm in his, the warmth from his body instantly radiating through yours - your best friend's warmth, a pleasant feeling indeed.

Once you had made it outside after side stepping due to how drunk you were, John let your arm fall and walked down the front steps, onto the gravel. "John, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" You questioned bluntly, lighting a cigar as you watched him kick gravel beneath his feet. "I'm going to have a lil' fight with the cavalry after Arthur's speech. Stay away." He stated, side looking at your emotionless face. "Okay, John. This isn't the place, nor the time! This is Tommy's fucking wedding day! No fucking fighting, remember that?!" You yelled, irritated at your friend's stupidity. "Ah, look at you! You and Michael! Always fucking sticking up for Tommy!" John scoffed. "This is Tommy's fucking wedding day, alright? No fucking fighting!" You cried. You were far from calm, and John's stuck up manner was only making you worse. "Oh whatever! Go shag Michael." John sighed. This however made you laugh. "John, look at me." You stated as you walked towards him. "Be careful, alright?" You smiled as you looked up at your best friend. "I'm sorry." he replied as he engulfed you into a hug. "I know." you muttered before you both went inside.

After the speech, Arthur, Tommy and John left. Michael had left and you couldn't find him. You were slightly intoxicated to say the least, and as you approached a busy looking Finn, a sigh of relief fell from you mouth. "Finn, where's Michael?" You asked, his chest heaving up and down. They were doing business on Tommy's wedding day.

"He went upstairs with some girl." Finn replied, his weight shuffling from one foot to another. This however awoke something within you. "Go get 'em, Y/N. He loves you." Finn added before he kissed your forehead and left you wondering what to do. That's exactly what you were going to do, you were going to go get him.

The walk to Michael's room was a blur, it felt like everything was in slow motion as you reached for the door handle and opened the door. A girl was sitting opposite Michael snorting cocaine as she giggled. Michael's gaze shooting to yours, a sparkle in his eyes immediately sparkling brightly as he looked at you. "Leave please. Michael, I need to talk to you." You stated to the girl who was now looking disappointed and gathering her stuff from the floor.

Once she had left, you walked over to the mini bar and poured yourself and Michael a glass of whiskey before sitting in the seat the girl had been previously sitting on. "There's nothing to talk about is there?" Michael stated as he admired your beauty. "Nope." You replied bluntly, swirling the maroon liquid in your hand. "Then why are you here?" Michael asked, leaning forward slightly. "I don't know." you said, meeting his gaze.

The intense staring was getting too much and your heart was about to burst so you stood up and walked over to the window, glass in hand. You soon felt Michael behind you and brush your hair from your shoulder. "I think you do." he breathed against your neck, his hot breath fanning against your skin causing a dangerous pulse to run through you. Without thinking, you whipped around and kissed Michael passionately - him instantly returning the gesture. His lips were soft and moist, a perfect mould against your own.

After what felt like hours, Michael pulled away with his hands still securely on your waist. "What do you want?" he whispered against your lips, he wanted to be assured that you'd remember this in the morning and that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. "You. I want you, I always have." you blurted out against his soft warm lips, your foreheads leaning against each other's. "I love you, Y/N. So fucking much." Michael replied as your eyes met. "I love you too, Michael Gray." you returned before you joined your lips once more.


Thank you so much for reading! Omg, this was part of the 5K edition and I've nearly reached 7K. This means so much! Thank you to all of you who are reading, voting, commenting and inspiring me to carry on writing. This was mainly just something I started for a bit of fun and for my passion for writing... and definitely my obsession with Peaky Blinders! Who can blame me though? Ahaha! My favourite character is Polly and Michael Gray, and Finn. Who's your favourite?

Again, thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed reading it as I thoroughly enjoyed writing it! Love all of you!

Have a lovely day, my lovelies!

- BubbleBaby893

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