Finn Shelby - Fuck You

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You and Finn had been in a relationship for a couple of months now, you both had fallen deep for each other and couldn't deny the love you both shared.

Recently, Finn had been acting distantly - cancelling plans, kissing you on the cheek instead of your lips and generally giving you the cold shoulder. You had put up with this for weeks on end and you had finally decided to consult him about his actions.

As you walked down the street towards the Garrison, people made themselves scarce and bowed their heads at your sorrowful gaze - you hadn't been yourself, anyone could've sussed that. You hadn't been yourself since Finn started acting weird and that was about to change.

You confidently pushed the doors opened and headed into the back room, the pub silencing as the crowd instantly realised something was wrong.

Your eyes firstly met John, Tommy and then Arthur - all drinking and talking until you had made an appearance. Finn's face dropped into guilt as you looked at him, a sight that made your heart sob. "Finn, can I talk to ya please?" You asked calmly, gesturing him outside to talk.

"Whatever ya have to say, say it here." He stated as he inhaled his cigarette - this wasn't the Finn Shelby you knew, he was never smug or careless. This wasn't your Finn, he hadn't been for a while and in that moment you snapped. "Fine, you want to talk about it here? Let's go then." You announced, your voice raising to show that you were serious. "You've been acting like a fucking bastard to me for weeks, for what I have no clue! The last time I checked, you're not supposed to treat your girlfriend like fucking shit! Finn, I get that this whole business thing is new to you and you're enjoying the power of it all, but it's going to your head. You're not the Finn I once played with when we were children, you're not my Finn anymore." You sighed, your voice shaking at how hard it was to watch his eyes sadden at how much he had upset you. Immediately after you had spoken, his eyes had hardened once again and he continued to act smug and stuck up. "If that's the way you feel, then leave." He mumbled, your breath catching in your throat at the disbelief of his chosen words. "What?" You whispered, tears prickling to your eyes as you stared down at him. "You heard me, Y/N. Leave," he repeated, tears peacefully running down your cheeks as you bit your lip, begging yourself to not let him have the satisfaction of watching you cry. You quickly looked to John, Tommy and Arthur who gave you a surprised, sympathetic and miserable glance before turning your gaze back to Finn - your eyes narrowing in anger and pain as betrayal ran through your veins.

"Fuck you, Finn Shelby." You spat, looking him up at down as he sent you a look of shock. You nodded at the boys before you headed out of the Garrison, falling against the wall instantly as the tears ran down your cheek. You sobbed your way home, you love Finn, he was your first love and you had lost him.

Little did you know, Finn would never be able to love again. As much as it pained him to let you go, he had received a threat saying that his enemies would come for you and he couldn't have that - he loved you too much. The only answer was to let you go, no matter how hard that was for him. After all, he would always be your secret protector even if you didn't know it.

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