Tommy Shelby - Complicated Dangerous Love PART 2

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The week with Tommy had been more than you could ask for. It was perfect; you got to know Charlie, went on picnics and horse rides, you would kiss whenever and wherever you wanted. You loved Thomas Shelby and he loved you, anyone could see that.

You were currently sat in your bedroom back at home, your night gown fitting your curves perfectly. You thought about Tommy, his warm smile, his beautiful blue eyes, and the sparks that his touch alone would erupt.

You stood up and walked over to the window, the full moon staring down at your figure. You watched a shooting star fly across the sky and wished upon it - you wished for the life you wanted. The life you wanted with Tommy.

Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. Thinking it was Tatiana you beckoned them in, still standing at the window. The sound of familiar footsteps clambered against the floorboards, making their way towards you. Before you knew it, familiar arms were wrapped around your waist from behind and a head rested on your shoulder - Tommy. You both continued to look at the stars before you decided to speak. "How did you get in here?" You whispered, smiling at how relaxed he was when you played with his hair.

"I sneaked in through one of the open windows." He breathed, his hot breath fanning against your neck. "Mhmm, my Romeo, eh?" You giggled, smiling even more at the sound of Tommy laughing quietly. "Yes, my love. Always." He smiled before lifting his head and turning you towards him. "I love you."He stated, staring down at you in a gaze of admiration. "And I love you." You smiled, your hand softly caressing his cheek as he leant into your palm.

You both were on the edge of sleep, curled into each other's arms in your bed. You hadn't had sex, it wasn't that kind of night. You simply just laid in each other's company, the touch of each other striking through your bodies. "Y/N?" Tommy asked, his head resting on yours. "Yes, my love?" You smiled, your eyes still closed. "Let's tell your parents about us. Charlie loves you, he called you Mum last night. He needs you and so do I. Come and live with me." He stated, his hand playing soft circles on your ribcage. You had sat up by this point, your eyes beaming. "Are you sure you want this? I wouldn't want to intrude... He calls me Mum? I'm so sorry.... I." You stuttered, instantly being cut of by Tommy's lips. "Y/N, it's a good thing. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" Tommy asked, your heart pounding vastly. "Yes." You whispered, your lips instantly finding his in a happy kiss.

The next morning, you had woken up at the crack of dawn and got dressed ready for what today would hold. You were excited and nervous as today you were going to tell your parents that you loved Thomas Shelby. Not only did you love Thomas Shelby, but you were going to marry him and have his children.

The sun was slowly rising, causing an awakening atmosphere that clouded your thoughts as you made your way down the stairs. Tommy's footsteps behind you were the only thing keeping you sane as the sound of mumbled voices erupted from the living room.

Once you had reached the living room door, you turned towards Tommy and clutched onto his hand, intertwining your hands before entering the room.

"Ahh Y/—! Mr Shelby!?" Your father yelled, his face twisting into a confused expression. Tatiana was almost as shocked as your father, and as for your mother, she didn't look alive. "What are you doing here... and with my daughter?" He started, looking between yourself and Tommy.

"I love him. I love Thomas Shelby and I want you to know it. I have done for a while." You announced, your shoulders straight and tall as you breathed deeply, unable to read your father's expression. "And what about you?" He blinked towards Tommy, his face void of emotion.

"I love your daughter, she's smart, beautiful and loving. It would be an honour if you would give me your blessing to marry Y/N." Tommy stated, making you want to laugh at how formal he was being - something you definitely were not used to. Your father looked away from the two of you and motioned towards your mother and sister, their glances telling you all you needed to know. They were glances of happiness and forthcoming. "Very well, you may get married. Congratulations!" Your father cheered bluntly. "Thank you!" You squealed before leaping into Tommy's arms as he slipping a beautiful diamond onto your finger.

A few months later, you had moved into Tommy's country house, gotten married, and had another little one on the way. You had never been happier. Tommy had never been so relaxed and comfortable with a person.

Your complicated dangerous love had now become your easy passionate love.

Thank you so much for reading! I cannot express how sorry I am that I haven't been uploading. I've been busy with another story and revision!

If you love Joe Cole as much as I do, I am currently writing an instagram fanfic about him. If you're interested please go and check it out on my account. The book is called Fire on Fire. Feedback would be greatly helpful!

Thank you! Have a lovely day, my lovelies! ❤️
- BubbleBaby893

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