Bonnie Gold - Midnight Ride

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This one was requested so very long ago for my good friend, PeakyShxlbys  sorry it took so long. I hope you enjoy it! ❤


The strings of sleep were very slowly untying as you felt a warm hand gently shake your shoulder, whispering your name until you had come round. You groaned softly, rubbing your eyes at the irritating and heavy feeling of wanting to fall back asleep, opening your eyes slowly to meet a familiar figure.

"Bonnie?" You squinted, sitting so that your weight rested on your elbow, Bonnie sat at the end of your bed.

"C'mon, grab your coat. I want to show you something, love." Bonnie persisted, making you frown in confusion at what he wanted to do, at what looked like the middle of the night.  "Trust me," he spoke reassuringly, seeing the worried glint in your eyes under the moonlight that peeped through the curtains of your shared caravan. You nodded and took his extended hand to get out of bed, grabbing your long warm coat and pulling it over yourself. You huddled closer into Bonnie's side, feeling the bitter cold breeze tug at your naked skin, making you tuck your clothing tighter around your body and mentally slap your boyfriend as to why you were out in the middle of the night.

With you sleepy state, you sunk deeper into the pool of confusion when a saddled horse came into view, waiting for the two of you to mount. "Bonnie, where are we going? It's cold out here and I want to sleep," you complained like a child tugging on their parent's sleeves. "Wait and see, Y/N. I promise you'll like what I have planned," Bonnie yet again, reassured, chuckling to himself softly when he felt you huff. "Besides, I'll keep you warm," he suggested as he threw you a smug smirk over his shoulder. You couldn't help but laugh, feeling defeated that you had given in to him. "I don't doubt that you will," you scoffed and nearly whined a complaint when he left your side to leap up onto the horse, your once-warm side now a sucker to the cold wind. You breathed deeply, mentally protesting to his whims when he extended his hand down for you. You looked around helplessly, deciding to leave your negative and stubborn attitude behind as you smirked and took his hand, letting yourself slide into the saddle in front of him so that your back was warm against his chest. You smiled softly at the gesture and tilted your body so that you were leaning into him and looking up at him, pouting your lips mockingly. He chuckled gently against your lips as he silenced and accomplished your pleas, enjoying the feeling of your warm lips pressed against his own. "Where are we going?" You whispered against his neck, letting yourself slump into him as you looked up at him. He was smirking yet again as he egged the horse on with a click of his tongue and nudge with his legs. "You're just no good at this whole surprise thing, are you? It's a surprise, now sit back and enjoy the ride." Bonnie laughed, shaking his head with a smile, he watched you perk yourself back up, leaning your back into his chest to keep warm. "I'm just excited," you stated with a happy sigh as you took in the beautiful, but hard to make out scenery around you. "I know, not long now," he promised as he pressed a soft kiss to your neck, making the skin tingle and warm.

After riding for a few more minutes, Bonnie halted the horse and jumped off behind you, offering his hand to you that you gladly took. He led you through the clearing of the forest to a cliff that overlooked a beautiful lake that glimmered in the moonlight. Your mouth agape as you took in the sight before you; there was a waterfall that was at the other end of the lake, you could here the water crashing against the rocks and the way the moonlight beamed on the surface, it made you just want to swim in it. As you were taking in the beautiful scenes before you, Bonnie was taking in your angelic features; from you high-set cheekbones, to your plumb lips that he just wanted to kiss, and the way the moon lit up the depth of your eyes. You turned to Bonnie with tears in your eyes, overwhelmed at the beauty of it all, "B-Bonnie, it's stunning." You stuttered, completely in awe of the place in front of you and the boy who had introduced you to the world of mysteries. "A stunning place for my stunning girl, then." He spoke to the moon, turning to face you when you looked at him with a smug smirk, a mischievous glint set in his big chocolate eyes.

You both stayed like that for what felt like forever, relishing in each other's company, watching the sun slowly make it's presence known over the horizon, illuminating the clear blue of the water

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You both stayed like that for what felt like forever, relishing in each other's company, watching the sun slowly make it's presence known over the horizon, illuminating the clear blue of the water. You smiled widely in Bonnie's arms, yawning a little before you fell asleep, the two of you leaning up against a tree, you between Bonnie's legs.

It was times like these that you felt truly alive and truly grateful for such a lovely life with the only person you'd want to spend it with.


Requests are once again open! School has me tied so I will try to work through each of your wonderful requests! Many best wishes to the new year, hope this is a good one to you - a bit late, I know. 😉❤

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