Tommy Shelby - Whiskey and Lies

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"Tommy, you fucking slept with another woman!" You spat, your eyes glowing with spite and anger.

"I was drunk, if I knew -." He started but got interrupted by your sigh. "Yeah, you were drunk. Biggest excuse of them all. Come on, Tommy. You're smarter than that, use your imagination." You remarked bitterly.

It had been a busy day, you had just come home from Ireland for two weeks after visiting some relatives and you had walked in on Tommy in bed with Lizzie Stark. The sight alone made you want to throw up and you had to physically stop yourself from grabbing her and throwing her out the window. Luckily, you had more self control and held it together.

"Does she do things that I don't, eh?" You objected, tears about to stream down your face as you reached for the bottle of whiskey. Your long curly hair had been dropped from it's bun and waved over your breasts, outlining your figure perfectly. You had pulled on your silk dressing gown and the cold floorboards beneath your bare feet were sending shivers through your body. You looked cold and you were cold, Tommy wanting nothing more than to pull you into his warm arms and stop you from shivering. The orange glow from the fireplace was defining your face's features beautifully, Tommy biting his bottom lip at the sight - he had fucked up big time. "Of course she doesn't, Y/N. Don't be stupid. I was drunk, I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Tommy stuttered moving towards your small figure, his body towering over you as you held your arms  crossed over your chest and rested your chin in your palm as you thought.

"Tommy, you slept with another fucking woman. Does this wedding ring mean nothing to you? Those vows we made when we were nineteen, do they mean anything to you?" You asked, your voice breaking at the hardness of it all. "Of course they do, love. I was drunk, so drunk and I missed you so I turned to Lizzie unconsciously." He explained making you even more furious at the mention of her name. "Don't say her fucking name under my fucking roof! Oh, wait! You've probably been moaning it most of the night anyway." You exclaimed, your arms folded over your chest as you tried to warm up. "Forgive me, Tommy, if I'm being stupid but your brothers have fucked this whore in turns. Did you just have to give it a go? Show your brothers that you're the Shelby you live up to be?" You proclaimed, tears on the literal edge of running down your cheeks at the disbelief of it all.

Tommy had been your first love, your first kiss and your first time and you couldn't believe that he had done this to you. Yes, he was drunk. Yes, he was missing you, but to sleep with another woman... were you wrong to be screaming at him? "Y/N, that's not how it is." He started to explain. "Is it not? Oops, silly me. You tell me how it is then, Tommy." You laughed sarcastically, holding your hand to your heart as you did so, Tommy's heart throbbing at the sight. When Tommy didn't reply, you shrugged your shoulders and let out a disappointed sigh, turning  to look at the fire in some kind of hope.

You were holding on, for what you weren't sure. Holding on for the hope that you would wake up and this would all be a dream, holding on that your husband hadn't cheated on you, and holding on that he would hold you in his strong arms and tell you it would be alright. You needed time to think, time to let Tommy know that he had hurt you badly, and with that, you left the room and headed to your once shared bedroom, Tommy following close behind.

"Y/N! Please, no. Don't leave me, I love you." Tommy clarified as his voice broke and he trembled. The blue eyes you fell in love with were glowing blue and held so much pity and regret. The break of his voice had told you that he was on the edge of crying, it was a rare sight but you recognised it when it was about to happen. After all, you had known each since you were young children. "Give me one more chance, please." Tommy begged as you packed a mini bag. Hearing and seeing Tommy beg with tears about to run down his cheeks had broken you and you finally started crying, continuing to pack as you sobbed silently, mentally begging Tommy to stop crying so you could pull yourself together.

Once you had eventually finished packing, you pulled your coat round your body and slipped winter boots on before you made your way downstairs and to the front door, stopping when Tommy gently grabbed your wrist. He was crying, tears endlessly flowing down his cheeks as he looked at your eyes, your face, your soft lips that he adored to kiss. "I love you, please know that. I'm sorry and I'll regret this for the rest of my life." Tommy stated and rubbed his thumb over your skin, memorising the feel of your soft skin against his calloused ones was something he would never forget. You sighed and lifted your free hand up to his wet cheeks, wiping the falling tears and smoothing his skin softly. "Give me some time, Tommy. This isn't the end, I promise. Just give me some time please." You breathed and headed out of the door, a flicker of relief flashing over Tommy's eyes before he watched you disappear down the streets, his heart already broken in two.

Sad one, sorry

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Sad one, sorry. Please go show some love to TheForthWombat she makes amazing imagines for Harry Potter! Truly talented so please go check her out and share the love and support!

I have recently released a new book called Red Stained Lips | John Shelby and would love it if you could check it out. Thank you and love you all. Have a lovely day, my lovelies! ❤️

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