Tommy Shelby - Just a Friend

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Growing up, you had always had your best friend, William, at your side. You were partners in crime, next door neighbours and your own two - membered gang.

When you were sixteen, your girlfriends and yourself started to hang out at a pub called 'The Garrison', dressing yourself up and putting makeup on to make you look that extra bit older so you could purchase a drink.

It was also here that you met Thomas Shelby.

Now, Tommy made you feel a special way. He made you feel dizzy and flustered, a feeling you both didn't get often. Due to your obvious chemistry, you started to hang out more with the blue- eyed Brummie boy, falling deeper and deeper for him as the months went by. William, however, knew what a man like Thomas Shelby was like and knew the game he played, his life mission to try and get back the innocent Y/N he once knew.

That was four years ago, and William was still telling you that you shouldn't be falling for a man like Tommy. But, what he didn't know, was that you already had.

That was the thing, you had been in love with Tommy for all of these years and him the same with you, but you both hadn't done anything about it. You both just couldn't get your heads around the matter nor string the words together.


You were currently sitting in William's house, sipping the cup of tea he had poured for you as you read the newspaper. Something you did most mornings when you found yourself missing your best friend.

"What are you up to today, Y/N?" William pondered as he came over to sit opposite you, pulling a chair under him while a cup of tea sat in his free hand. You smiled at the multitasking and gently placed the ruffled paper on the table, looking at William. "Nothing much really, might go visit a friend later." You smiled and brought the mug up to your lips, careful not to scold yourself. "You?" You asked before you were interrupted by William sighing. "You mean Tommy, don't you? You're going to meet Tommy." he spoke sternly, watching your eyes widen at his chosen tone.

After four years of the same argument, you finally grew tired and acted on your feelings. You slammed the mug down on the wooden table and stood up, the milky tea wobbling back and forth on the sides of the pottery before it erupted over, much like your temper. "Yes, William! I am going to see Tommy because he's my bloody friend! Because I enjoy his fucking company! Sorry that's such a fucking problem for you, but I'm not going to stop seeing him just because you don't like the guy!" You yelled watching William stand up to match your posture. "I'm looking out for you! When will you bloody realise?!" He shouted, matching his tone to your previous one. You didn't say anything for a moment, debating what you should do next. "Well then, just do me a favour and fuck off then, yeah? Stop telling me how to fucking live my life." You scoffed and walked out of the kitchen, walking towards the front door before slamming it closed after you, heading towards the place you knew Tommy would be.


A few days later, you hadn't spoken to William and nor did you want to. If you were being honest, you were enjoying the absence of the judgemental comments and glares he would give Tommy and yourself when you were together. To say Tommy was enjoying having you all to himself was an understatement. He really didn't like William, and he especially didn't like watching you in William's company, much rather preferring you in his.

You were currently sitting in the pub with Tommy and his brothers, your back leaning into his chest as you sat with a glass of whiskey in your hand. Both you and Tommy moving unconsciously closer to each other as he slipped his arm around your shoulders, the feeling making butterflies erupt in your stomach.

Due to the fact that you were too distracted with the way Tommy's warm skin made you feel dizzy and light - headed or that you were trying to listen to the story John was telling, you didn't see William walk through the pub doors, obviously lookin...

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Due to the fact that you were too distracted with the way Tommy's warm skin made you feel dizzy and light - headed or that you were trying to listen to the story John was telling, you didn't see William walk through the pub doors, obviously looking for you. But Tommy did.

You had told Tommy exactly what William's problem was, an he had come to the conclusion that your best friend had feelings for you. For he never told you, he just decided to toy with the idea of making him jealous. After all, he had the Shelby devilment and it would be pay back for all the times he had to watch the two of you together. Tommy confirmed the plan in his head and immediately got to work.

Tommy looped a strand of your curly brunette locks between his index and middle finger as he ran his hand through your hair smoothly. You turned to him in a confused manner and started giggling at each him, Tommy joining in soon after. "Tommy, what are you doing?" You ask and watched Tommy's eyes twinkle with a daring glint.

He nearly got lost in your eyes and the sound of your laughter, but the feeling of daggers soaring into his back made him look up at William who was giving him a death glare.

You suddenly snapped out of your soppy state when you saw an annoyed William walk over to you

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You suddenly snapped out of your soppy state when you saw an annoyed William walk over to you. You instantly tensed up and felt Tommy rub his hand up and down your arm reassuringly. "William, I told you, I don't want to see you." You spat bitterly and watched his face drop at your choice of words. You stood up from your seat and watched from the corner of your eyes as the Shelby boys got ready to follow you out.

You were about to walk past William when he reached out and slid his hand into yours and watched your eyes meet his. "I love you, Y/N." William confessed and watched your eyes widen and your lips part in utter shock. Not knowing what to do or say, you just stood there and looked at him.

You already knew in your heart that you didn't love him. He was your best friend, he was like a brother to you. You didn't love him like that. Your heart broke at the realisation at how much this was going to hurt him when you told him the truth. Taking a deep breath, you nodded at the Shelby boys and took William to the other side of the room, looking up into his big blue eyes.

"The truth is, William. I've never loved you. Well...not like that anyway. You're like my brother. I'm sorry." You mutter and look up at him, using all the confidence you could master. He looked like he was about to cry and you wanted nothing more than to make him content and happy again.

Everything then suddenly clicked for William. You didn't love him, you loved the blue- eyed Shelby that you called home. In fact, you were so madly in love with him, William couldn't believe he had missed all the signs. "I know you love him." William mumbled and looked at the ground. "Uh. Will, I'm so -" you started before he shook his head and smiled sincerely. "No, I'm going to move to another country. Let you two live in peace." He announced and watched your eyes sadden. "What do you mean?" You asked, your voice nearly breaking form the tears you were trying to hold back. "I cannot stand to see you with another man." He clarified and you let the tears slide down your cheek, pulling your best friend in for a hug, muttering words of apologies in his ear before you both pulled away. You savoured the last moment with your best friend before he bowed down and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead and muttered a short goodbye, leaving you standing there devastated.

As William walked past the Shelby boys he stopped next to Tommy and shook his hand, pulling his ear closer to his mouth before he muttered something that nobody caught. "Look after her, mate." William spoke sternly before he left the pub, the door swinging shut after him.

Tommy met your eyes. It was a knowing glare. He had heard everything and wanted clarification. You nodded briefly and watched his jaw clench and his breath hitch.

Looks like your love for the daring Shelby boy was reciprocated.


author's note - so this was another request! Hope you all enjoyed! Looks like Tommy's quite popular this season.

Who's your favourite character at the moment and what did you think of the end of season 5? 💛

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