Bonnie Gold - Free Spirit

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You had always been intrigued with the sport that was boxing. You watched the men box and you could feel the thrill and the adrenaline that was practically radiating off them. You had pleaded your older brothers since you were sixteen for them to let you box, from the time you woke up, to the time that you went to bed, but they always said no. Being Finn's twin, and the youngest out of all the siblings, you weren't allowed to do anything. Not to mention you were a woman, it made matters worse.

You had just turned eighteen and your pleas and nagging your brothers to let you box had died down, and you no longer had the motivation to get what you want. However, that didn't stop you from being at the boxing club in your spare time, watching Finn enviously as he boxed with other boys. Your eyes flickered from Bonnie Gold to your twin brother. You were fascinated watching Bonnie box, he was so elegant the way he moved around the ring, placing a few fast hits, and then jumping back on his heels. Your brother's hired champion was by far Birmingham's finest boxer, and you often found yourself mesmerised when you watched him move. Your gaze flickered back to your brother and you watched with proud eyes as he defeated his component. As much as you had strong envious feelings towards Finn, you couldn't help but watch him and feel a sense of pride that he was your brother.


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"Hey." A voice said from beside you, breaking you out of your gaze, a smile still on your face when you turned to face the unknown voice.


"Uh, hi." You smiled nervously and watched him grin, a sparkle appearing in his eyes. The sort of glimmer that you knew all too well, the type of sparkle that reflected danger and charm. The sort of sparkle that lured girls in. "I've noticed that you're always here, do you box?" He asked with a smirk playing on his perfectly plum lips. You scoffed and looked up at the ceiling, turning round and leaning on one of the ropes around the ring. "I wish." You replied and looked at the empty ring. Bonnie noticed the longing in your eyes and lent on the rope next to you. "Why don't you then?" Bonnie pondered and admired the way you bit your bottom lip when you were in thought. "Brothers won't allow it." You implied and laughed at how pathetic that sounded, turning to face Bonnie when he laughed with you. "And, that's going to stop you? The apparent 'wildest' Shelby?" He raised a brow at you and laughed lightly when you scoffed. "Oh my fuck, I hope that isn't a reputation I uphold." You snickered and turned to Bonnie, a smirk plastered across your face as you lent against the ropes, battling your lashes up at the gypsy boy. "Perhaps I'll find out." He winked and you felt a slight blush sweep across your cheeks as he moved closer into you. "What's the real reason you won't box, Wild Little Shelby?" Bonnie smirked and watched you smile lightly. "I don't know how to." You mumbled and bit your lip, looking down at the floor and then looking back at him. "I'll teach you. Right now." Bonnie complied, smiling when your eyes widened, looking like a child on Christmas day. "Really? You would?" You asked completely dumbfounded, excitement building up in your stomach. "Yeah, come on. It'll be fun." Bonnie spoke and held his hand for you to take. You smiled up at him sheepishly and looked down at his hand, placing yours into his warm palm. He led you through the hall and into a back room where punching bags hung from the ceiling.

A huge wave - no, sorry. A tsunami of excitement washed through you, and you couldn't wait to learn how to box. Bonnie turned to you and let you stand in front of the bag, pulling out two long strips of white cloth. You looked down as he lifted up one of your hands, wrapping the white cloth round your knuckles,then moving onto the other one. You sent him a small and thankful smile before he came to stand behind you, your back against his chest. A blush blossomed to your cheeks once again and you swallowed, trying to ignore how close you both were. "Clench your hands into a ball, tuck your thumb in and stick your middle knuckle up slightly." Bonnie breathed against your hair and watched you comply. "There we are, love. The perfect fist." He cooed and moved his hands down your arm to cup your fists. "Just let me show you how to do it." He whispered and moved your hands with his to punch the bag, his hand taking all the force of the punch while you let your hand relax in his. "That's perfect, Y/N." Bonnie stated smoothly and ran his hand up from your hand to your arm. You continued to punch the bag as Bonnie had taught you, and you couldn't stop smiling. You were finally doing what you loved, what you had dreamt of doing since you were a young girl.

You laughed joyfully when your punches came to a natural end. You looked at Bonnie and let out a shaky laugh while he watched you with proud eyes. "Fuck, Y/N. You're a natural, but you're also exhausted. Let's get you home, Wild Little Shelby." Bonnie grinned and you looked at him teasingly. "So, is that like my new nickname?" You mocked and let him lead you out of the boxing hall. "It is, indeed." He chuckled.


The two of you laughed and joked the whole way to your door. "Thank you so much for teaching me, Bonnie. I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked and looked up at him, his peaky hat flung loosely over his head. "Oh, definitely. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon." Bonnie teased and winked. "Good, 'cause I like having you around." You battled your lashes up at him and smiled. "Goodnight, Boxer Boy." You teased and opened your front door, watching him blush and look at you coyly. "Goodnight, Wild Little Shelby." He winked and you closed the door, sighing to yourself.

author's note - here's another Bonnie Gold imagine!
3 more days until our Peaky boys return to us, who's excited?

To everyone who got their results today, I hope you all are happy with them! If they're exactly how you wanted them to be, congratulations! I'm super proud of you.

If they're not, don't beat yourself around the bush about it. You tried your hardest, just work hard now to improve that result.

Thank you all for showing your support. You guys are honestly the best. I love you all! 💛

Lastly, but not least. If you're a fan of our lovely Finn Cole, I have released a new Instagram story about him. I would love it if you could go check it out! ♥️

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