Tommy Shelby - Awkward Intentions

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You were a close friend of the Shelby family. In fact, you worked closely with Aunt Pol and the Peaky boys to make sure their business ran smoothly. You were, in every way except blood related, one of them; you shared their dinners, you took the spare bedroom on nights of parties or when you just simply felt like spending some time with them. After all, you had grown up with the Shelby boys, they were like your brothers.

All except for one.


You and Tommy had always had a 'spark', you had always just understood each other at times when nobody else really did. Apart from family, you were the only thing that would come close to loyalty to the blue-eyed Shelby and him the same for you. You loved each other. That was obvious.

Sure, for other people like Aunt Pol and the brothers. But for the two of you, it was like trying to hold onto a flag pole in a hurricane. One moment you'd be absolutely certain he felt the same way for you, and then the other you would crucify yourself for even thinking about it. It was only a matter of time before the cycle broke and the situation had to run its course of two both equally possible paths.

One, that yourself and Tommy spoke your feelings for each other and learnt that it had been reciprocated for years. Or, two, you both decided to get over your childhood crush on move on.

But that's all it was, right? A childhood crush. I mean, the situation was certainly handled in a childlike manner. Yet after all of the years that brought you nothing but experience when it came to men, you still couldn't tell the blue-eyed boy how you truly felt.

But, maybe, just maybe, it was a matter of time before destiny and fate took the helm.


An abrupt and harsh few knocks on your front door broke the staring contest you were currently holding with the orange glow from the fireplace. You checked the clock on the wall; 9:37pm. There was only one person who came to visit you at this time of night, and that person was no other than Tommy.

Standing from your place on your chez-lounge, you walked to your front door with more ambition then you approved of, quickly reminding yourself of the unreciprocated feelings you shared with the man behind the pane of wood between you.

"Tommy!" You expressed with fake element of surprise, swallowing down the anticipation that quickly formed an unwelcomed lump at the back of your throat.

"Hey, Y/N. I was just wondering if we could talk business, I know it's late but I have so many things I need to take care of." Tommy proclaimed with a soft smile, quickening his words when he noticed you shiver in your crème silk nightgown that was doing more than it should've been doing to him. The way it hugged your beautiful curves and made you look like an angel, you just looked so -

"That's fine, please, come in." You welcomed him in, watching his wandering eyes shoot back to yours, blushing at the fact that you had caught his trailing eyes. You stepped aside and watched him step up into your home, squeezing against the wall so that you could shut the door behind him. He could smell the fresh scent of soap on your skin and the faint scent of vanilla and honey.

Once the door was closed, your eyes locked with his and your breath hitched, awkwardly looking down at the floor before continuing to walk into your house where he gladly accepted your offer for a glass of whiskey.

The night had grown old and Tommy's eyelids were slowly becoming more hooded as the minutes ticked by. You wanted to ask him if he wanted to stay but for whatever reason, your tongue wouldn't let you speak.

"Would it be alright if I stayed the night please? I feel like I'll end up sleeping on the streets if I walk home." Tommy chuckled lightly and placed his whiskey on the table. "Y - Yeah, of course, Tom. I'll just go and prepare your bed." You stuttered and made your way up the stairs and into your spare bedroom, dusting and flattening down the bed sheets so that they didn't looked ruffled. You left Tommy wondering to himself why you were so flustered, you never stuttered; you were in fact one of the most confident people he knew.

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