Tommy Shelby ~ Emotionless

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You were a Peaky Blinder - hired by Tommy because of your professional assassin skills. You had killed many men in your life time, not flinching once. That was the problem, you didn't feel guilty after the kill so you kept going. People used that to an advantage and payed you to do their dirty work, drifting from place to place.

The thing was, you weren't always this emotionless. If people knew what you'd been through, they would stop frowning when they saw you in the street and offer you their support and empathy - not that you'd take it though. You were broken, battered, bruised and yet nobody seemed to notice. Everyone except Tommy.

Over the past years, you had toughened up, built up tolerance. You were no longer that broken sad girl that would mope the streets. You were a Peaky Blinder and god could you hide your true emotion, you could take out a group of men without help, chat up men effortlessly without blushing.

When you were fifteen, your parents were murdered brutally along with your siblings, the murderer taking you in as his own, teaching you how to kill, how to protect yourself until one night. One revengeful night, the clear image of your parents' battered bodies clouded your head as you killed the man in his peaceful sleep, his blood pouring from his body in the pale moonlight. It wasn't supposed to feel good, but it did and you lost your way after that, moving from place to place until you met Tommy and for the first time in a while - you felt something.

As you entered the back room of the Garrison with a full bottle of Scotch, John, Arthur and Tommy shot their gaze to you, searching your face as something clearly played on your mind.

You didn't hear the constant call of the boys calling your name as you sat in the chair in the corner, lighting a cigarette, gulping the whisky down before leaning back and closing your eyes. Today had been a bad day, 10 years today, your family had been murdered relentlessly and you couldn't help but feel guilty. Guilty at the fact you didn't help them, that you didn't know what to do, guilty that you lived with that horrible man for 3 excruciating years. You didn't even realise a tear had slipped the barrier you forced yourself to put up everyday, you were too deep, too deep in reliving the moment.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Tommy's familiar deep raspy voice bellowed. You shot your eyes opened - the first thing you noticed was that you had been crying, instantly rubbing the tears away with the back of your hand before stiffening your body back into its normal defence systematic position. "Yes. Sorry, what did you say?" You asked bluntly, John and Arthur sending you worried glares but you ignored them and concentrated on Tommy's words. "Are you okay?" He pondered, watching as your eyes started to get heavier but you battled through. "Fine." You nodded before standing up and walking out of the room, nodding the boys a goodnight and walking into the cold night.

"Y/N!" You turned around and saw Tommy running down the cobbled streets, desperately trying to catch you up. "Is everything alright?" You asked thinking he needed something. "I need to know if you're alright." Tommy sighed, clasping your hand in his as he searched your face. You looked down at your linked hands and flinched - you didn't remember the last time you had been touched with love, with passion and care. "Sorry." Tommy muttered at your flinch which you quickly dismissed and tightened the grip on his hand. "Uh, I'll tell you at my house." You stated, pulling your interlinked hands towards the place you stayed.

After telling Tommy everything, everything that had ever happened to you, you had cried your heart out into his chest as he soothed your sobs. One hand played soft circles against your back and the other stroked your hair. The tears that you had bottled up for so many years finally getting their release as you shook violently against Tommy's chest. "I'm sorry." You mumbled in between hiccups. "I haven't cried in so long." You added, pulling you head up and looked at Tommy's worried expression. "You have nothing to be sorry for, none of this is your fault. I wish you had told me sooner, Y/N." He whispered, tucking a stray of hair that clung to your face, behind your ear before lightly lifting your chin and pressing a warm kiss to you lips. "You're safe now, my love." Tommy soothed as he pulled away.

In that moment, you knew that everything was going to be alright. You had Tommy and he made you feel alive, he made you feel and that was something you hadn't felt in a very long time.

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