Ada Shelby - Boys Will Be Boys

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REQUESTED BY liambrown7794
Reader will be male.


Yourself and Ada had been dating for the past month - everything was going greatly. You were content, happy, and carefree. She intoxicated you, like a drug you were shamelessly addicted to - no, sorry. She wasn't a drug. She wasn't a dirty, disgusting drug, she was an angel. An angel that had walked into your life so elegantly with her blue sparkly eyes, and her loosely curled brown hair. You would never forget the day you had met Ada Shelby, meeting at a market purchasing fresh food. You had caught her fallen purse when it fell from her grasp, her eyes widening in fright when she realised that you were about to steal her valuable belonging. You brought yourself back up and smiled, extending your hand out and letting the small satchel rest in her soft hands. Her eyes flickered up to yours and she smiled softly, already finding herself getting lost in your eyes. It wasn't long before you were engrossed in a deep political conversation, agreeing and disagreeing at different opinions you both made. You quickly became infatuated with the Brummie girl and asked her out on a date, watching as her bottom lip was taken between her teeth, a grin making it's way on her face. Of course, she agreed.

Seven months later and you had started seeing each other, falling deeper and deeper for your blue - eyed girl with each day that passed you by

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Seven months later and you had started seeing each other, falling deeper and deeper for your blue - eyed girl with each day that passed you by. She kept you on your feet, her independence and confidence made you work no matter how long you had been together or how much you were both in love. It was like she was testing you, sussing you out, checking that you were suitable for a woman like herself. You were confused to say the least. At first you thought that she was teasing you, playing a game she knew she'd win to show you she was special.

Everything suddenly became clearer when you met her family though. She wasn't teasing you day in and day out, she was examining you to see if you'd last a meeting with her family, and boy, were you glad she had done.

Ada's brothers were dominate, protective and extremely intimidating. It was obvious that they were the cocky gangsters that Ada had told you about. They squared you up, put you down and each family member had a dig at you, including Finn. You had played along with their little games and dominating tricks for the majority of the evening; a game you were quickly becoming bored of. You loved Ada with all your heart, but the male instincts buried deep inside you came to the surface and you couldn't help but stand up for yourself and speak your mind. An idea was toying with you, and you were loving it.

"So, Tommy. I must ask as I've always found myself intrigued, what's it like making your millions off people's fear?" You asked with a seriousness tone. Ada and Polly were shocked, a grin spread across their faces. They shared a brief look that indicated that Ada's aunt was well and truly impressed. The three brothers however, scoffed and sat dumbfounded. They weren't expecting you, or anyone for that matter, to stand up to the Shelby brothers of Birmingham. You sipped your whiskey and glared at Tommy over the top of your glass, waiting for his answer. Even you were taken back by your newly found confidence, the fact that Ada's brothers couldn't kill you was a self esteem booster in itself. One thing you were sure about though, was the fact that you had passed Ada's test with flying colours.

 One thing you were sure about though, was the fact that you had passed Ada's test with flying colours

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"I wouldn't call it fear, Y/N. I would call it respect. We try to uphold the integrity of this city, we give justice to people who deserve it, and punish those who have acted out of order." Tommy replied unfazed, his expression void of any emotion. "Integrity? That will be the fucking day." You chuckled and took a sip of your drink. "Who punishes you then? You know, when you act out of order?" You mocked, leaning back in the chair. Tommy was trying to hate you. In fact, he was trying badly. There was just something about you. The way you looked at his sister reassured him that you loved her and that you'd do anything for her. Yes, he found you annoying. Hells, he wanted to knock you out, but he couldn't help but respect you.

Funnily enough, you were thinking the same thing. Thomas Shelby loved his family, he would go to great costs to make sure that they remain safe, even after his death - that was obvious. And as you thought about it, you came to realise that it was that very trait that made you ooze with respect for the man. You contracted each other, and it wasn't pretty, but if there was one thing that the two of you shared, it was the extend you'd go to protect the ones you loved.

author's note -  thank you so much for your request! I really enjoyed writing in a different point of view! ♥️

If you guys have any other requests, please let me know.
Also, please leave your thoughts and opinions about the new season! I would love to talk about our views! 💞

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