Being A Shelby - 'Sail' by AWOLNATION

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It was bloody difficult being Thomas Shelby's eldest daughter. The daughter of a fling between a prostitute and the Shelby boy. It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did and you were the outcome of that. Your mother had left straight after you were born and had left you in your father's care. You loved your father, spent every day helping him, talking and learning with him. He was your best friend, always had and always will be. You were the only person that Tommy could truly trust with his life and you the same. It had been this way since you were born and hadn't changed, not one bit.

Now you were sixteen, a young and independent woman who wanted to experience the world. You had a younger brother Charlie and had recently experience the passing of your step mother, Grace. See Grace wasn't your real mother, but she was your motherly figure, something you had never had. At first you hated it, it had always been yourself and your father against the world but with Grace, you didn't like it. That was three years ago and until her death, she was your Mum. The one that held you when you cried, the one that helped you and cared for you when Tommy was busy, and for that, you loved her like an ordinary daughter would.


Tommy had upped and left for the second time this week, he had taken Charlie, Johnny Dogs and had headed out on a horse and cart. The thing was, Tommy hadn't cared for you as much as he once did, he no longer sat down and asked you how you were, he didn't care. The only person who truly cared for you was Michael - he was your best friend, your cousin and one of the best people you knew. You had gotten high for the first time with Michael, you had gotten drunk multiple times with him and you had spent many days in each other's company. Michael had noted on the way that Tommy now treated you, the cold shoulders, the dismal when you needed to chat and the blank outs that he would give you if you were high and struggling after a night with your friends. See the thing was, you were struggling, you were struggling with life, you were struggling with drink and drugs and you were struggling with school life. Yes, you had passed every single exam with flying colours, you were clever, just like your father. Everybody tells you that you're just like your father... in everyway that you could be. As well as that was good, you also had his faults - his stubbornness, his drinking habits, his smoking habits and his broken heart. You weren't full anymore, not as full as you used to be.

You were all currently in the kitchen of Tommy's mansion, pondering on what you should all do on his absence. You didn't care to be strictly honest, you actually wanted to move in with Michael or Polly. Michael to be more precise. The full bottle of whiskey you were currently downing was alarming Polly massively.

"Y/N! Put that down now! You shouldn't be drinking that much!" Polly screeched, her eyes searching yours with worry. The same cold, depressed and broken eyes that you shared with your father. "So what? I can do whatever the fuck I want. I don't care anymore." You shrugged bringing the neck of the bottle to your lips again, chugging the remaining of the maroon coloured liquid. "What have I told you about swearing in front of Karl?!" Polly spat, her voice strict and tempered.

"What are we going to do about Tommy?" John spoke up, equally pissed off as you. "I don't fucking care, let him go. I'm moving out anyway." You remarked, the whiskey starting to sink in and making your head cloudy. Even though you were drunk, you could still make out Michael's worried gaze. He could tell you weren't in a good place, not one bit. This however, made you raise your eyebrows at him, sending him the signal that you were fine and wanted him to piss off. As the rest of your family continued to erupt into more conversation, you pulled out a cigar and lit it, hoping onto the kitchen counter and falling into deep thought. You needed to get your act together and you knew it. This wasn't you, you didn't get drunk before 10 o'clock, you didn't get high every night of the week. You needed to stop this. "Let him cool off. He'll come back, he always does. Just let him heal." You announced, smoke puffing from your lips as you so, making John smirk proudly. Everyone could tell that you were hurt, that you needed Tommy, that you missed him, but you needed to keep fucking fighting. "Welcome back, that's the Y/N I know." Polly spoke up, smiling at you brightly.

"Yeah, what's been up?" John pondered, nudging you arm gently making you slap his arm playfully. "I may be back, but I still don't talk about how I feel." You laughed making John pout playfully. There was only one person that you spoke to about how you felt, and that person wasn't here. That person was your father. You knew he was coming back, and as soon as he did, you were going to tell him exactly how you felt, knowing that he would understand and help you.

Hey guys!

This was so shitty and I'm so sorry. I will do another Tommy's daughter imagine in the future to make up for it. I'm so sorry. Sail however, is one of my favourite songs ever. What's your favourite song?

So, that's it... the end of the 5K edition! Thank you so much for commenting, voting and supporting me! I love you all so much!
Have a lovely day, my lovelies! 💙

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