Tommy Shelby- Complicated Dangerous Love

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You were Tatiana's sister, a Duchess. You were the eldest by a couple of months, the prettiest and the smartest, dealing with Russian business long before your sister.

The dealings you had made with Thomas Shelby enhanced more feelings that shouldn't had been felt. You helped Tommy deal with the passing of his wife, more than anyone ever had, and you kept his heart whole - he couldn't deny the fact that he loved you. Every time you would see one another, you never failed to make him grin ear to ear or laugh until he was nearly in tears. Only you had ever made him feel that way, only you had ever made him feel so strongly for a person, and only you would he chose to protect when it came to business dealings you both worked through. You cared for him deeply and you loved him more than you should, but it was complicated. It was dangerous to say the least - complicated dangerous love you called it, but yet you both found yourselves coming back for more. Back for more endless kisses and touches, back for more laughs and smiles, or back for someone to hold during the tough cold lonely nights when your mind is vulnerable for the demons to play games. It was tricky and confusing, yet you knew what you both wanted, what you both needed to keep each other full and content - you needed each other and you both couldn't hide it any longer. It was getting to the point where you would save him over your family, and that was a strong powerful and dangerous love that you needed to be careful with.

You were currently sat at your family's dining table, Tommy opposite explaining information he had found out and dealings he had made. Tatiana sat to your left, her chin resting on her forehand, your mother and father nodding in understanding and Father Hughes making sly remarks as Tommy spoke - infuriating you as he did so. Normally, Tommy would not look at you during meeting such like these so he didn't give anything away, but tonight, he couldn't help himself. It had been too long since the two of you had been together and you wanted each other desperately. The others were fortunately oblivious to the thick tension and the sexual arousal brightly glowing between the two of you as you sipped you drink and nodded to the conversation. Tommy's eyes had turned darker with lust throughout the evening and his glares had become predatorily.

Eventually, the conversation had become less intense, giving yourself and Tommy the chance to slip away. With a quick nod, signalling his plan was about to be put into action, Tommy spoke to your parents.

"Thank you for your hospitality. I'm afraid I have business to attend to." Tommy excused before walking towards the door and exiting.

"Y/N, can you please see Mr Shelby out and then you can head off." Your father implied, causing Tatiana and your mother's faces to frown in confusion.

"Where are you going, sister?" Tatiana pondered, looking at you with a raised brow. "If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend tomorrow on the outskirts of Birmingham." You said politely before pushing the chair back and standing up, nodding towards your family and the men you hated with a passion.

As you strode through the house towards the exit, the maids bowed respectfully as you carried yourself with grace, your heat fluttering as you thought about Tommy.

After what felt like an eternity, you stepped off the doorstep and walked into the cold night, a small bag for your travels. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the change in brightness and before you could process what was happening you were pinned up against the brick wall. Warm lips clasped onto yours in a perfect mould, you heart pumping violently as you recognised the familiar musk and touch of Tommy. You dropped your bag and wrapped your arms around his neck, you hands locked in his hair as he kissed you deeply.

Before he could slip his tongue into your mouth, much to your distraught, you pulled yourself away and smirked up at him. "Mhmm, somebody's missed me. Good job I'm staying at yours for a week then, isn't it?" You joked, watching in admiration as his eyes reflected the pale moonlight. Your parents had told you months in advance that they needed you to sort out some business on the outskirts of Birmingham, the opportunity rising for yourself and Tommy to spend time together without any suspicion or being disturbed. You had completed the work your father wanted done and used this planned trip for some fun and time with Tommy. When you had told Tommy your plan, he had lifted you into your arms, excited for whatever would go down.

"Indeed, my love. Lets go home, we have some indulging to do." He smiled softly before dropping down to pick up your slumped bag. You smirked softly and intertwined your hands together, walking to the car. "Thank you." You stated as he loaded your bag in the car and opened the door for you.

As the sight of your home faded away into the distance, you heart danced and you looked forward to a week with Tommy.

There will be a part 2!!! ❤️
Hope you enjoyed, lovelies 🥰

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