The Second Shelby Girl

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You were the second youngest Shelby being 3 years older than Finn. Your older brothers were always watching your every move, you were sexy, confident, and had the looks that lured boys in. You shared the same traits as Tommy - smart, cunning and stubborn. For the two of you were best friends. If you both had a problem or you both needed a chat you would go to each other, you could sense one another's feelings and knew immediately if something was wrong. Polly had said that if you were the same age you would've been twins as you're always on the same page and of course, you're the spitting image of your older brother, Tommy.

As the years went on after the war, Tommy met Grace, fell in love and started a family, the close bond you shared slowly broke apart until it was nothing but a distant memory. You managed to keep yourself in good stead, you played your cards in the business - scoring a few for the family reputation as you made encounters and secure connections. The bond you once shared with Tommy shifted to Michael, Polly's son, your cousin. You both did business tasks together, there was never one without the other and you had never felt so comfortable with somebody before. Michael was your best friend, your biggest supporter and got overly protective when you would chat up boys and when they cat called you in the street.

Even if Tommy didn't admit it, he had realised how much you and him had drifted apart. You no longer sat on his lap and wore his cap, strutting about the Garrison pretending to be your favourite brother. No, you had found Michael and he understood you perfectly. It pained Tommy deeply when he looked upon you, how much you had grown up in the recent months, the way you rolled your lips when you smirked at boys you checked out and the way you walked around like you owned the place. You outdid Polly and my God, was that a hard task that you had managed to take in your stride, you were unbelievably smart and strong. The business ran securely and that was down to you, you ran the business when Tommy was fucking off with Grace and his new son, he hasn't realised how much you had achieved and he instantly felt envious. Envious of the people who had watched you grow into the young, independent woman you were.

"Tommy, Alfie Solomons has asked for permission to come down and visit you. I have said yes. I hope that's alright, he'll be down tomorrow. Sort this place out." You stated bluntly, watching as Michael walked over to you. "Pay day today, Mikey. Drinks are on me." You smirked, hugging Michael before slipping out of the office and towards your brother, John, informing him of the meeting with Mr Solomons and the later drinks you were going to supply.

"Y/N, can I talk to ya please?" Tommy spoke from the doorway of your office. You peered up from your paperwork - currently sorting out the number of guns you needed to order. "Of course, Tom. Everything alright?" You pondered, the paperwork flopping over your forehand as you looked up at your older brother. "We've drifted apart recently and I regret it deeply. You've become very close with Michael and I don't wish to intrude on that but can we rekindle what we had, please?" Tommy admitted, looking down briefly before searching your amused face. "Tommy, you're my brother. For fuck sake if we were the same age, I swear we would be classed as twins. Of course we can. You were busy, you started a new chapter of your life. I understand, Tommy." You implied, bowing your head to side glance at him mockingly before standing up and pulling him in for a hug. "Bloody hell, you've grown up so fast and you're doing so well for this business. Thank you." Tommy implored, a slight drop of wetness clouding his eyes as he looked at you in admiration - the same way he used to look at you when you pretended to be him. "It has been my pleasure and still is. I'm not stepping down so get used to your little sister bossing you around." You winked before ruffling the paper back up into position. "The boys and I are going for a drink after hours, you're welcome to come. Bring Grace and Charlie. I'm paying and I definitely need to catch up with my lovely sister in law and my beautiful nephew." You smiled up at Tommy and watched as he grinned widely before nodding and exiting your office.

That evening, yourself and Tommy went back to normal instantly, the same twin senses rushing back into life as you spoke about old times and the future. You played with you nephew and chatted with Grace until they went home. At the end of night, you danced slowly in the arms of Michael, swaying softly to the low beat, laughing endlessly about memories and situations before heading home.

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