Screw You Moon Goddesses

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Logan Mercier

"Oh hell no." The furious yell that came from behind me snapped me back to my senses and I shook my head wildly trying to calm my wolf. The omega pulled himself up with surprising strength before dropping to the ground with an almost silent thud. His own swiftness was shocking, especially with the fact that his hands were still cuffed in front of him.

He glared at me. He matched my 6'2" height and we seemed quite similar in stature too except he was leaner than I was, he had a little muscle mainly on his biceps, calves, and thighs but other than that he was rather skinny, ribs visible under the thin layer of his old shirt. His shoulders had a more gentle curve to them than my broader ones and his stare was colder. Eyes seemingly hiding the demons of the night. If I couldn't smell it on him I wouldn't believe he was an omega at all.

"We are not mates. I do not want a mate, in fact, I specifically asked, no begged the Goddesses not to give me one." The younger boy bellowed once again shocking me with how unlike any other omega he was. His anger at the fact I was his mate did make my chest ache but I remained stoic.

"You know what screw you Moon Goddesses. Screw you." He yelled again this time at the sky earning a few low gasps from my pack. It was almost unheard of for someone to be so disrespectful to the goddesses and also not want a mate. Everyone wanted a mate, they were the person that would balance you out.

Unlike popular belief it wasn't like they were the other half of your soul, no you were still a whole person without them but when you find them they are everything you need and can connect with you in ways no one else can. They are your happiness and your sadness, your wrong, and your right, they are your heart, mind, and soul without them you could live a long quiet life, with them you could destroy mountains, build cities and create universes.

I personally had always wanted a mate. After seeing how my mother and father acted when I was younger I became fascinated with the process and pairing hoping that sooner rather than later I would be able to have someone to call my own. The usual mating age is 16 but when I didn't find my mate the disappointment and overwhelming sadness I had felt almost broke me in too. My mother, who was also an omega, tried comforting me about it saying that it wouldn't always happen the moment I turned sixteen. I held onto that hope for a long time yet here I was 2 years later and I still hadn't found my mate. Until now.

I didn't even care that my mate was male. I had never even thought of another man like that before and never thought I would but here he was and I'd be damned if I was letting him go.

The omega closed his eyes a took a deep breath before turning to me with an attempted soft smile but actually came out much sharper than I'm sure he was hoping. "Look you don't want me as a mate. In fact, you can just let me go and we will never have to ever see each other again."

"I don't think so," I said my voice rougher than before, more gravelly.

My mate smirked. "Oh, I wasn't giving you a choice Hetero. I'm just telling you how the next few moments are gonna go down."

I only allowed myself to focus on the strange nickname for a second before I replied to the younger boy. "You can't get away omega. I've said before we've got the entire area surrounded. You also still have those cuffs on you that have gotta be quite restricting and I'm the only one with a key."

The blonde boy cocked his head to the side and watched me for a moment. His eyes then shifted back and forth across my pack who would subdue him before he even had a chance to move if I gave the word. Focusing back on me he grinned again.

With a few cautious steps, he was barely inches from me as he ran those green eyes across my face. I heard a small growl of warning from behind me and I knew that it was Elliot. He wouldn't act because he knew that if he touched my mate without permission I would rip his throat out without a second thought, beta or not.

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