Man Up And Open Up

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Logan Mercier

A tired groan left me as I checked my phone for the seventh time in the past half hour. I had been summoned to my father's office straight after training so I was already exhausted from not only suffering through my own intense workout but also the pups' to which Eli asked me to help him with this evening.

Today had already been a long day. I had another mountain of paperwork to get through this morning and then I had to meet up with the Blackpelt pack to discuss Jason Quinn's behavior in school. Which was a task in itself. Jason's father was a difficult man, to say the least. He was respectful to those above him but to Omegas and even some Beta's he was a vengeful bastard.

I didn't have a clue why he refused to accept modern beliefs about Omegas but no matter what my father or I said he remained adamant that Omegas were nothing but scum beneath our boots.

I felt kind of out of place discussing the behavior of someone my own age to their father, it was as though I was doing the job of a parent which I was in a way. However, I did know that these were all tasks of the Crowned Prince and eventually the King.

My sister was much better at this stuff though, talking to people. She had the gift for dealing with people. She could easily soothe over an issue with a few sentences and whenever she had to do a speech she could bring tears to the recipients eyes. Demi hadn't always been like that though when we were much younger she had a keenness for information.

She would always start the same way: with a little patter to relax you and then she'd be in with the question that had been burning her brain. Once you answered she'd lose interest, stop talking and leave. It was as if she had acquired what she wanted and what you say next was of no interest.

I found it strange how she had changed so much but I guess she had to grow out of it eventually. After all, there was a lot of talking done when you were a royal.

Unlike my twin, however, I hadn't grown out of my socially awkward stage. Sure I could hold a conversation and discuss foreign policies but when it came to peace talks and persuasion I was way out of my depth.

So to say the discussion with the Alpha of the Blackpelt pack went badly was an understatement. I almost started a pack war but fortunately managed to backtrack and save my hide all while telling James Quinn that his son would be punished for his behavior. The punishment wasn't anything drastic. Just two weeks of community service which was nothing really.

Anyway, after that disaster of a meeting, I had to do hours of training before being roped into teaching the pups the basics of self-defense. Then just when I think I can finally collapse into my bed I get a summons from my father which is never a good thing.

Another groan left me as I dropped my head to the back of the couch. I was tired and my body ached but I knew I couldn't leave. I would be in even deeper shit if I ignored my father's call.

"Speak of the devil and he shall come." I murmured as my father's office door opened and the man himself strolled in.

"I'd hardly say I'm the devil, Logan. I believe that mate of yours has committed more sins than I." My father said as he stood in front of me with his hands on his hips. He looked much better than I did which was saying something.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. He's a criminal, bad for me and the pack, blah blah blah. You've lectured me about him a million times." I pushed myself to my feet, standing toe to toe with the King. "But he's my mate father and that means he's staying whether you like it or not."

The Kings eyes narrowed slightly as I locked eyes with him. My stare remained unblinking as I wondered just what my father was thinking.

He finally gave in moments later, sighing. My dad ran a heavy hand over his face and rested himself on the edge of the desk. "Are you okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

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