Highway To Heaven

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Logan Mercier

That evening I had everything planned out and was going over it in my head as I walked up to Achilles's room.

The anticipation and anxiety I had been eating me alive ever since I even asked Ace out. I really wanted this to go well and the fear that he wouldn't like it made my heart clench.

My sister had helped me out with everything which I appreciated considering I didn't have a clue what I was doing but she helped me decide what to wear and even helped me cook the food.

Neither of us were particularly good cooks so it took about three hours just to cook something edible. In the end, we both just gave up and decided to order food instead.

Once things were all organised she batted me away, demanding I get ready and put on the clothes she had laid out for me. The outfit was nothing too extreme just a plain white tee with black skinny jeans, a denim jacket, and black vans.

I looked pretty damn good if I did say so myself and I hoped that Ace would think so too.

Now I made the small journey to his room where I would be picking him up. It was 7:55 now so he should be ready but you never know with Achilles.

As I neared the room I heard voices talking from inside. His door was open enough that I could peek inside and pushed it open to find Alfie lounging on Ace's bed that I highly doubted he ever slept in. Ace was pacing back and forth at the foot of the said bed, looking handsome as always.

Wearing a simple button up shirt and ripped jeans that practically screamed Ace, he looked amazing.

"This is a mistake. I shouldn't be doing this. Alfie, why are you letting me do this?" Achilles mumbled, still pacing.

Alfie barely moved, just grinned teasingly up at his friend. "Oh stop being so dramatic. This isn't your first date. You went out with me remember?"

Jealousy flooded through me and I tried to suppress the possessive growl that formed in the back of my throat.

"That was different. You were different. We were already sleeping together by then and I actually liked you. This, this...Goddesses, why did I agree to this?"

Alfie rolled his eyes again before throwing a pillow at Ace. It hit him square in the face earning a deep growl from the omega. "Pull your shit together, you idiot. It's one date. It doesn't mean anything."

"It does mean something Alf. Lately, whenever I see him I don't get the urge to...to murder him. It makes me feel weird."

Taking that as my cue to enter I knock on the door. Achilles jerks around quickly and narrows a glare at me. "How long have you been standing there?"

Alfie snorted, picking up his phone and playing on it. "Oh look at that. You were so worked up you didn't even notice your mate, turn up. That's pretty pathetic."

My mate growled again, the deep sound a promise of death. "I may be a worthless piece of shit but I am more than capable of killing you and everyone you love without getting caught."

Despite his slightly terrifying reply, all I could focus on was the fact that he didn't even deny that we were mates that time.

"You wouldn't. Who would be here to listen to you whine about how much you both want to punch and fuck the Prince?"

A smirk spread on my face. "Oh do tell me more."

Achilles sneered at me and then scowled at his friend. "We're not done with this, you traitorous bastard." He then walked over to me and grabbed my arm dragging me out of the room.

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