It's The End Of The World, Woop-de-fucking-do

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Logan Mercier

"Go on a date with me," I said as I strolled up beside Achilles. He was at his locker, flicking through some book he was reading. It was like he had a different one every day. Just how much does this boy read?

"No." Ace replied not even looking up at me.

"Please. We don't even have to call it a date we can just be two bros hanging out."

With a snort Achilles closed his locker. Putting some textbook in his very worn bag. "So we're bros now?"

"No we're more than bros but you don't even want to acknowledge that so we'll stick with bros until you're ready."

Achilles finally looked up at me. His narrowed eyes roaming over my face. His own expression remained blank giving me no indication to what he was thinking.

"Please, I really want to take you out." I batted my lashes at him. "Pretty please."

Rolling his eyes, Ace opened his book and started walking down the hallway. "No."

I followed him, feeling like a lost puppy trailing after his owner. Why does he always have to be so damn stubborn? Whenever I talk to him I feel as though I can no more change Achilles's mind than I can persuade the dawn not to come.

"I wonder what will get you killed first- your mouth or your stubbornness." I inquired aloud.

My mate simply looked up from his book and smirked at me, skillfully dodging people coming towards him. "Oh no Princey if anything my mouth is the thing that keeps me alive." His lips curl into a smirk. "In more ways than one."

A possessive growl left me causing a few shifters to flinch around me. Some people were well aware that they shouldn't be near me if I lost my temper but as usual Achilles didn't seem to be effected. Instead he just looked amused.

"That's not a good thing." I hissed.

"I admit freely that I have many flaws but at least herterosexuality isn't one of them,"

A few students around us laughed and I couldn't tell if it was due to Ace's comment or something completely different. However when someone shouted, "Amen," from behind me I think it was safe to assume they were referring to Achilles.

I tried to glare at him but the small smile on my face ruined my whole 'angry as fuck' vibe I was going for. "Why do you always have to turn everything into a joke?"

"Generally, it's to avoid confronting very real and difficult issues that more adult adults have to deal with."

We came to a stop outside his physics class and he leaned back against the wall and watched me curiously.

It was unnerving the way he would stare at me but I'm sure that was how everyone felt on the receiving end of one of Achilles infamous looks. It wasn't just the cool green eyeballs, it was the intelligence behind them that did it. The pure intellect and unsettling knowledge in them made you feel as though he was staring into the depth of your soul and knew all of your dirty little secrets, which he probably did. In the gap between our eyes and his a battle was fought and he always seemed to trounce them without a flinch.

Despite his slightly intimidating stare I met him head on until I finally blinked. Achilles smirked.

Above us the warning bell sounded giving everyone five minutes to get class. I sighed. "Come on we're running outta time. Just say you'll go out with me tonight and I'll be happy."

Achilles opened his book up again and didn't look at me as he said, "Time truly is a dramatically flat circle in which we are all trapped in and on fire."

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