Stop...And Submit

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Achilles Morgan

"I love you,"

"I love you more."

"I love you most,"

Demi reached over pulling Alison into her lap while I tried to suppress the urge to throw up. "You're signing up for a war you can't win."

A sultry smile spread across Alison's face as she wound her arms around Demi's neck and tangled her fingers in her dark hair. She leaned in so that her and her mate's faces were inches apart before murmuring, "Game on bitch."

I glanced at Logan who was sat next to me even he was rolling his eyes at his twin's behavior. The couple were sickeningly sweet. Like seriously how could two people get so caught up in each other.

Surely there was only so much two people could take of each other or maybe not. I really didn't understand most relationships that weren't physical. At least sex made sense, it was mutually beneficial. You both got the pleasure and enjoyment from it.

Other relationships involved emotions, complicated things that not even the smartest people in the world could really understand.

Of course, there are the good ones you get to experience. You can have happiness, pride, excitement, relief. Every emotion considered truly good. But you can't have the good without the bad. There is no light without darkness.

There are always going to be elements of pain, suffering and sadness. There's no escaping them, they are after all a part of life but I couldn't understand why people willingly put themselves through that. Why after all the suffering a tormented life forced us through anyway, people would still choose to deal with not only their torment but their partners demons too.

Maybe it was worth it, maybe not.

There was truly no real answer.

My stare drifted back to Logan. I wondered if he'd been in a relationship before. He seemed to want to pursue one with me so he must have thought it'd be worth it. I'm sure he had people throwing themselves at his feet though, after all, he was the Prince and future king of our entire race. He was also undoubtedly good looking, with his thick dark hair, dark eyes that could make anyone swoon and his full pink lips -Goddesses those lips- he was the epitome of handsome, even I could admit that.

"You okay?" Logan asked, shaking me from my thoughts. I nodded, turning back to my tray of food. That was another thing about Logan; to everyone who didn't really know him he was a cold-hearted bastard but to the people who cared about him he was kind and selfless. Admirable qualities in anyone.

I had finally been allowed to return to school after some more conversations with Doctor Carlisle about my 'condition' as we are referring to it now and some whining to Logan. He had been reluctant to let me go but after I batted my lashes a few times he agreed.

I had yet to test out Dr. Carlisle's theory about my blood being this so-called 'Mutante' but that was mainly because I was slightly terrified it may be true.

What would happen to me if anyone found out? Would I be killed because keeping me alive was too much of a risk to the recent peace they had discovered? Would they experiment on me? Harbor my blood for their own selfish purposes?

Bile rose in my throat at the simple thought of it. I pushed my lunch away unable to stomach the thought of eating right now. A hand fell on top of mine and I turned to see Logan's concerned eyes on me. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little green. Maybe we should have made you stay home-"

"I'm okay," I said interrupting his sentence. He didn't look convinced so I flipped over my hand and laced my fingers with his, dropping our hands to rest on my thigh under the table.

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