Mister Snuggles's Decapitation

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Logan Mercier

"What do I do Logan? He won't even look at me anymore." Elliot whined as he stretched out on my bed, textbook, and notebooks discarded carelessly.

He had originally come up here to help me with my English homework because I suck at anything that involves analyzing a piece of text. It's not logical to me and my brain formulates with numbers a lot better than with words.

However now he had seemed to have given up helping me and wanted to go back to moaning about his helpless crush on Alfie. Ever since Ace's party, he'd been obsessed with the tall boy but Alfie didn't seem to like him like that.

From what I could tell they weren't mates but honestly Elliot had never really cared all that much for having a mate. He personally believed in loving someone because you wanted to and not because you had to. I understood his point but I also didn't because having a mate made you feel things that a normal relationship couldn't. I had learned that just being with Ace this past month or so but if Eli didn't believe in that then I supported him no matter what.

Anyway if Elliot somehow managed to get Alfie to date him it would mean I wouldn't have to worry about his and Ace's relationship.  It angered me just thinking about how Alfie had already had a chance to be with Achilles romantically whereas I haven't even been able to kiss him yet. It was frustrating.

"I don't know what to tell you, Eli, you can't force him to like you," I replied as I chewed on the end of my pen, trying to figure out why Orwell used literary devices to establish a theme in Animal Farm. A question that should have taken me ten minutes but instead had had me stuck for the past two hours, with no help from Elliot.

"I know but what am I supposed to do. He's hot, he's nice, he's a good person and did I mention that he's hot?"

"Several times," I mumbled, pouting into my notebook.

Elliot kicked my leg slightly. "Hey help me here. Your the one who gets all the girls."

I finally looked up my eyes meeting his. "And yet I still can't get my mate to spend five minutes with me without fleeing or reminding just how much he doesn't want me."

"Or reminding you how straight you are."

I hit him with a pillow. "You're a dick."

His eyes turn sad as he sits up and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry. You two looked pretty cozy the night of the ball though, I'm pretty sure I even saw a smile on his face."

Sighing my mind flitted back to Friday. He really did look more relaxed than I'd ever seen him. He had let me touch him and hold him without a snarky comment. Well, there were a few but there was laughter in his green eyes as he said it.

Some people probably found the way Ace looked a little scary with the vicious scar down his face and the slight white sheen over his damaged eye but I could still see the hidden joy in his face or feel the warmth in his smile.

We had danced like that for a while, even when everyone else had left the dance floor we still swayed and just enjoyed the silence of each others company. No one would stop us, well they couldn't because nobody dared tell the crowned Prince and future King to leave the dance floor. It was an amazing night.

"He's back to normal now though. Can't go one sentence without glaring or sneering at me."

Elliot shrugged. "Just give him time, he's not used to being around people that like him. I personally witnessed at least 90% of the people at the ball looked like they wanted to rip his throat out with their teeth." A protective growl left me, Elliot sent me a knowing look. "So he's just got to get used to the idea that maybe someone wants him."

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