EXTRA: It's Only Heaven When I'm With You

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[This fic is under the complete responsibility of poneappol and it is entirely their fault that this particular fic is in existence, so when Satan tortures my soul in hell, it's them I'm blaming. This chapter does contain sexual contain and an extensive use of the word 'fuck' so if any of  that bothers you, don't read this. Thank you, that is all.]

Logan Mercier

Who would have thought my end would begin with two crowns?

One of them was my destiny, there was no doubt about it. It had been mine since the day I was born. That golden circlet had been fated to sit atop my head while I ruled over my kind with a firm but peaceful fist.

The crown was supposed to replicate that, the glorious metal had been morphed and twisted to form representations of leaves, waves, and flowers an imitation of all that the three Goddesses had to give us to live and roam in and for me to rule. That metal-framed various different gemstones, from amethysts for wisdom to rubies for health and good luck, supposedly gifting me with assistance in all the things I would face as King.

What wasn't destined however was the other crown. That one had been made the week of my coronation, the blacksmith chosen to craft it had been given the opportunity to design something that would reflect my mate's character, that delineated what they would bring to the kingdom.

I had always found that particular tradition strange and obscure but now as I looked at my mate beside me, I realized that it was perfect.

Ace's coronet was made up of the darkest metal imaginable, it almost sucked all the life out of the room but on the little flat surfaces that sat up in spikes, the brightest set of blue topaz's rested, shining in the evening light as vibrant as the stars that hung above us or like sections of the purest ocean water, solidated and decorating his lineage.

I thought it was impeccable on Achilles as it highlighted the years he had been on the run. The years he was the monster in the night and the years where he was the legendary Wraith. Then the few gemstones represented the obstacles he had faced and the courage necessary to overcome those huge hurdles. It was the perfect mixture of pain and pulchritude.

Despite the marvel I still held over the fact that I was King alongside me mate - Holy shit I was so in love with my mate and I was an official ruler now, like seriously how the fuck did that happen? - all I could seem to focus on was how damn good Achilles looked in that designer suit I had all but forced him into because 'no Ace you can't wear sweatpants and my hoodie to this very  important, very formal coronation'.

Perhaps it was the way the fabric clung to his every move or specifically the way that seem of his dress pants lined perfectly with the crack of his ass.

I had not been able to take my eyes off of him once this entire night. Not when he exited our room looking more like a fairytail Prince than I could ever dream to be (and that was without the crown), not when we entered the cathedral where the coronation would take place, not when the elder in dress robes said those ceremonious words that would recognize us as rulers in the eyes of the goddesses, not when my parents stood at each of our sides and crowned us as the newest Kings of wolves, not when everyone simultaneously stood and bowed, not when Ace almost started crying at the realization that this was his place beside me as my equal forever, not as we danced and celebrated our inauguration, not when my mate leaned in and whispered that it was time for us to go home, and certainly not as we made the long joyous journey home, hand in hand.

Achilles' beauty was undeniable. Even with that cruel scar, I knew from these past years learning all I could about my mate that there was more to refinement that appearances.

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