Reject Me

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We walked side by side in silence after that. The only sound in the long halls were our footsteps and the returning hum that Elliot seemed to be obsessed with. As we neared what I thought was the kitchen there was a bunch of loud chattering. A cacophony of voices flooded the small hall.

Elliot walked in without hesitation grinning and yelling random stuff at some people. There was a synchronized chorus of good morning and hellos as Elliot took a seat around the huge dining table in the middle of the even bigger kitchen.

It was a grand space, to say the least. The huge mahogany table took up most of the vast space. Marble worktops outlined one entire wall and there appeared to be various things cooking on top of the large amount of food that already sat on the table. The aroma of croissants, toast, hash browns and all the other confectioneries you could possibly imagine for breakfast on a Sunday morning made my mouth water and my stomach ache.

"Good morning darling!" A woman said spinning around from where she had been placing more toasted bagels in the center of the table. I recognized her as Queen Lily, except she looked completely different now. Instead of a beautiful gown, she had on plain jeans and a simple blouse. Gone was the jeweled tiara and instead her dark hair was tied up into a messy bun. She looked...normal. Like any other stay at home mom.

Queen Lily sauntered over to me and wrapped her small arms around my larger frame, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. My eyes widened, I'm sure comically. It had been years since I had received any type of affection and I forgot what it felt like. "I thought you'd never come down. The boys were starting to make bets whether or not you'd killed off poor Eli."

Elliot snorted from where he was stuffing himself with food at the table. "He wouldn't be able to take me!"

"Tell that to your black eye dear." Queen Lily laughed.

There were various laughs and yells from down the table which caused Elliot to growl and flip them the bird. This earned him a slap around the back of the head from the Queen. "Ow!"

"Come join everyone sweetheart."

I looked at her, biting the inside of my lip. "Can't I just stay here and judge from afar?"

She smiled as she grabbed my hand, dragging me to the table.

The Queen turned back to me with a sweet smile. "Sit down honey, eat something. Are you hungry?" My stomach rumbled in response.

She giggled before pushing me into an empty chair near the head of the table. On one end I could see the King laughing with a couple older pack members, he too looked like an ordinary father with a button-down shirt and tie that hung loosely at the base of his throat. He noticed my stare and tipped his glass of orange juice at me. I turned away quickly.

"Hey," Someone said from beside me. I turned and met the eyes of the one and only Prince Hetero. He didn't smile but he looked a lot more relaxed than he did yesterday. With a certain warmth in his dark eyes which made him look a lot younger. I nodded in acknowledgment.

A steaming plate was placed in front of me piled high with eggs, bacon, sausage, pastries, and toast. I looked up and met the eyes of the queen. "Thank you, your majesty," I said.

"Just call me Lily darling. Titles mean nothing to me,"

I smiled at her. "Well then thank you, Lily."

She patted my cheek fondly. "It's a pleasure." Lily turned to her son and glared at him. "Come on Logan your mate just sat down with your pack for the first time and you haven't even moved to make introductions."

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