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Achilles Morgan

I couldn't remember how I had moved from the uncomfortable seat beside Logan's bed to the leather seats of Alfie's car but when my brain made the connection I was no longer gripping my mate's hand, I sat up like some had electrocuted me.

What the..."What the fuck Alife?" I demanded as I scowled at my best friend.

Alfie didn't even take his eyes off the road as he winded the car through some back roads I didn't recognize. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"You need some sleep Ace." His nose crinkled and his lips turned down in a frown of concern. "Also a shower, some food and maybe a chance to relax for five minutes."

A growl built up in my throat. "Fuck that. Take me back. I need to be there."

"No." Not once since I'd met him had I ever physically hurt my best friend but now I was close to punching him square in his jaw.

"Take. Me. Back."

"No." That answer was really starting to piss me off.

I growled again, pushing myself up in my seat with my functional hand. The cast on my leg had finally been taken off although I don't recall exactly when and even my arm seemed to be much better although I did still had to wear a sling for a little while longer.

I fought with the buckle on the seatbelt but the damned thing just wouldn't unclasp. Alfie's hand shot out and covered mine. "Achilles stop, just for a second and think about what you're doing. What use are you going to be to him if you get yourself killed in the meantime?"

The urge to tell him to go fuck himself was there but I did realise that Alfie had a point. I hated it but he did. When I offered no further argument Alfie nodded to himself and removed his hand, putting it back on the steering wheel. "Where are we going?" I asked, rubbing a hand over my face, hoping to remove some of the exhaustion I was feeling with the simply movement of my hand too.

I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to be in the hospital beside my mate who had made no further progress towards waking up since I finally manned up and decided to talk to him. I made sure to speak to Logan every day and I played his favorite music on a loop, there was no improvement but he wasn't deteriorating either.

Now however what if something happened and I wasn't there?

Knowing my luck and Logan's spiteful nature he would either wake up or die just to further piss me off.

Don't think about that. For once in your miserable life try not to think of the worst-case scenario.

"Ace?" Alfie prompted, nudging me with his elbow. "Hey stay with me okay?

I shook my head. "I'm sorry what did you say?"

My best friend eyed me skeptically from the corner of his eye. "I said I'm taking you someplace no one's gonna bother you."

Usually, I'd make a joke about how Alfie was planning to kill me at this secluded spot but I couldn't. It felt wrong.

"I thought you'd want to go to a place where you wouldn't see...Logan everywhere you looked."

I swallowed thickly, shifting my stare to watch as the trees blurred past in various shades of brown and dark green. Even colors seemed dull to me now. My stomach twisted uncomfortably and I clutched a hand over my shirt.

"Look I can't pretend I know how you're feeling through all this, nor can I pretend to understand what you're going through, but I can tell you that I'm not doing any of this to piss you off just to help. Logan's got constant care around him and you need someone to look after you too."

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