A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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Logan Mercier

It was three hours later that Achilles finally stepped into the kitchen.

He had been pulled into my father's office barely seconds after we all returned from school and hadn't been seen since. To say he had been in close confinement with my father for hours on end he could have looked worse than he actually did.

Exhaustion was clear on all of his features and his shoulders slumped as though the weight of the world rested on them.

However, when the King stepped into the room shortly after he looked a lot worse for wears. There was a deep set scowl on his face and his hair was strangely wild for the usually so put-together man.

Still, he greeted my mother with a kiss on the cheek and settled into the seat beside her at the head of the table, offering her a small smile that he only ever reserved for his mate.

"So I see you survived my father?" I said, resting an arm around the back of Ace's chair.

He lifted his head just enough to smirk at me. "I think a better way to rephrase that would be that he survived me."

I chuckled. "Not make it easy on him then?"

Achilles started to heap piles of food onto his plate as he replied. "Of course not. He lectured me on getting into a fight at school and I argued that it was simply self-defense not only for me but for the clearly incapacitated Omega who wasn't able to defend himself. Then he told me that wasn't an excuse but I don't know why he thinks that it's easy for me to just walk away when I see shit like that."

He paused taking a sip of the coke that had been poured into his glass by one of the other Beta's wandering around. Ace thanked him with a gentle hand on his back. When he disappeared Achilles continued. "For the past decade, all I've know is fight or flight and more often than not its fight. You get nowhere on your own if you don't make a name for yourself by striking fear or dread inside someone then you're more likely to end up dead than not."

"Which is why you became the Wraith." I pointed out, picking at my own food. More interested in listening to him than eating.

"Well yes and no. I learned how to defend myself from various people I had met over the years and then figured the rest out for myself but the nickname I'd been given was never something I used personally that was just what everyone saw when they heard of me..." He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Or as I said when you had me handcuffed to a bed when someone wanted someone else to blame."

There was the distinctive sound of someone sputtering from opposite us. Our attention turned to my sister who was looking back and forth between us with her jaw practically on the table. "He did what?"

Ace chuckled, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. I tangled my fingers in the back of his hair.

"Oh didn't he tell you? I was so difficult to capture that four tranqs had to be used and then Logan asked to handcuff me to his bed."

"It's true. We all saw." Malik piped up, winking at me when I glared at him.

"You kinky bastard. You didn't even know his name at that point. Even I took Ali on a date before I brought the cuffs out." Demi grinned at her mate who blushed like a tomato. My nose crinkled in disgust. I had no interest in knowing about anything to do with my twin's kinks.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled my arm away from the back of Aces chair. I thought I heard a small whimper slip past his lips but just took it as a figment of my imagination as I reached for my own food finally digging into the delicious meal our cooks had prepared for us all.

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