Being Cuffed To A Bed Isn't As Kinky As I Thought

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I hated the dark.

I hated the type of darkness that robs you of your best sense and replaces it with a paralyzing fear. In this darkness I'm forced to sit, muscles cramped, and unable to move. I only know my eyes are still there because I can feel myself blink, still instinctively moisturizing the organs I have no current use for. By my genes I am a predator, I am a monster with skills that I have honed over time. I have brain enough to hunt, but I feel like prey in this utter black.

As a child, I used to wake in the night and wish for the sun. The darkness worried me, my imagination supplied many beasts with fantastical jaws to lurk beyond the range of my vision. Until I was reminded that I was a fiercer creature, I was deadlier than anything the darkness could throw at me. With frontal eyes that were better than any hawk and teeth sharper than steak knives. I could move in the shadows until my victim was in reach and then I could pounce.

I am a person. Or I was a person.

Or at least I like to think that I had once been a person; a person with scars and bruises all over their body; red trickily blood running down their sides; a picture of misery reflected both inside and out.

My beauty was never that skin deep, I guess – that is, if it is even called beauty.

They say time can heal things. But I never healed, or even became better, as a matter of fact. I just changed, changed into something that allowed me to shield myself from the harsh realities of life. They say that life is simply a dream, a moment you must partake in before reaching out and falling into Death's unprejudiced grasp.

I never believed them, until I looked Death in the eyes myself.

I hated the darkness but I loved the night. If that made sense. In the serenade of the black, the stars are like a choir; they are lights that sing in infinite patterns. Sometimes eyes need music, and the darker the night the sweeter the song.

It was night when I came too. My mind was surging with perplexity as I tried to gather my surroundings. I was on a bed as far as I could tell and after sleeping outside and on a couple of couches for the past decade, I found it to be oddly uncomfortable.

Squinting my eyes I could see that the room was rather huge. Filled with a desk, a chest of drawers, lots and lots of various posters and little stickers decorating the walls. There was probably more but I couldn't focus, my head was pounding. My vision in my right eye was pretty crap already.

I tried to rub the dizziness and exhaustion from my eyes but was stopped by something restraining my wrists. I groaned and shifted my head so I could see what was holding me.

Silver cuffs glinted in the moonlight and I pulled on them once before cursing lowly. Of course, stupid ash metal cuffs, I hated the damn things.

The Lupine council had discovered that when ash wood was mixed with silver it could stop a wolf from shifting and weakened them immensely. I had only been put in these chains a couple of times before but I had learned that I could build an immunity to it. The metal still made me weak but not as much as it would any other wolf. The bulky cuffs were quite a strong metal which made them impossible to snap even with superhuman strength but that didn't mean I wasn't able to pick them.

I had done it earlier when I was surrounded by his stupid pack. It took me longer than I would have liked but I was slightly distracted by some new-found knowledge that I refused to even think about.

Shifting on the bed, I leaned as far as I could towards one of my cuffed hands. My left hand strained against the metal as I tried to reach the small lock picks that I had sewn into the fabric of my shirt. They were very lightweight and also tiny which made them easy to sneak into places that would be looking for that kind of thing anyway. They broke incredibly easily but had got me out of more than a few sticky situations.

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