Time To Come Home

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Logan Mercier

I dreamt of the trees.

Trees that rose upward forever, the canopy above distant, like clouds of green. Beneath me was the rich earth, crunching with every step I took.

The forest hummed with life all around me. I twirled about, gazing up at the treetops, searching for the birds that sang sweetly. It was an orchestra of my mind, playing one enchanting symphony after another. Leaves danced to an unheard beat, whispering their songs to the wind. In here, sheltered by the mighty trees, was every kind of life, from the humble beetle to enchanting birds of every color.

The sun broke through the cracks, lighting up the dirt path ahead of me, decorated with outgrown roots, wildflowers and fallen leaves that crunch beneath my bare feet. I trudged on, taking in the fragrance of minty grass and the damp earth. Each breath was like water, fresh and cleansing, flowing freely into my lungs.

There was a strange haze around everything as though my vision just couldn't quite adjust in this light but I didn't think too much about it as my feet seemed to know just exactly where they wanted to go.

I was struck by a wish to melt in with it. Not to die, but to live forever amongst these ancient beings who cast the shadow in which I stand. There was a sacredness here that transcends everyday concerns, casting them into the timelessness of forests, of oceans, of mountains.

Despite this, though my heart was screaming at me in my chest telling me to stop moving, to turn around, walk backward, fight the urge my feet at desperately following.

It was strange to walk through a place I loved so dearly and feel lost.

A blur of white flashed past and I spun quickly to see what it was but it had already disappeared. Dismissing it like nothing I continued to follow the path laid out for me, carelessly running my fingers across the bark of tree trunks. The rough texture felt strange under my fingertips. Almost as though they weren't even there at all.

Dropping my hands down at my sides I continued walking, letting my eyes scan across every beautiful shade and vibrant color in this place.

It was heavenly.

From the beech trees' tumble of golden leaves, even though each canopy appeared to be so green. They came as if scattered by a happy child, surfing upon a gentle breeze. To saunter through them was a joy, a nature-given serenity. And in these moments, I was at peace.

There was a flash of black then and I stopped dead in my tracks, trying to spot whatever it was. Narrowing my eyes I scanned the trees but there was nothing there, I rubbed my hands across my face and laughed to myself. "Jeez, I'm going crazy."

My head snapped up again though when there was a distinctively rustling in the trees above me. I waited for another moment.


Raising my foot to take another step I heard a deep laugh drifting above me. A sweet, melodic symphony of a laugh that echoed throughout every leaf, every tree and every branch. The laugh rolled about the woodland like a child's spinning top, vibrant and heartwarming as it moved around me in its chaotic way. It came in fits and bursts - loud to soft to nothing at all and back to loud again.

"Hello? Who's there? Show yourself." I demanded, cautiously looking at my surroundings.

The laugh returned then before a rustling and someone dropped down to a branch above me. He was sat with his back again the trunk, one leg bent and resting on the branch he was sat on while his other leg swung back and forth like a pendulum in a grandfather clock. I took a few steps back and looked up at him.

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