A Prince And His Prince

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Logan Mercier

"Princey I'm bored!" Achilles whined for the fiftieth time this morning. I was starting to understand just why people wanted him dead.

"I don't care. Go find something to do. You're the one who came and sat in here. I didn't ask you to."

Both of us were in my office. I was doing something productive and finally catching up on all the paperwork I've had been putting off since Ace came into my life in the first place. It was a few days after my pack rescued those children from those slave traffickers and shockingly that required a lot and I mean a lot of paperwork to be filled out. Who would've thought being a hero meant leveling the amazon rainforest?

I had barely started on the first page when Ace came barging into my office demanding I entertain him. I simply gave him a once over and ignored him. He didn't take that well. Achilles then started to rant about how we were keeping him here and not even offering anything that would cure his never-ending boredom. You'd think the four-game rooms, three pools, and two theatre rooms would be enough for him to entertain himself but no.

"I've lived in the woods for the majority of my life, do you really think I find any joy in staring at a screen for hours on end?" Was my mate's argument when I pointed that out to him.

After that, I just told him that I, as an Alpha and a Prince, had other responsibilities than making his stay here more interesting. Although I would much rather be spending time with him.

In the end, he just gave up and collapsed into the leather chair in the corner of my office and stared at the ceiling. That lasted for about five minutes before he started browsing the bookshelves I had lined the walls to which he claimed 'weren't filled with anything remotely interesting.'

After an hour of pacing carelessly and muttering various phrases to himself, he yawned and frowned. He then to my surprise suddenly shifted into his beautiful wolf and curled up and fell asleep in front of my fireplace. The flames curled and swayed, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood.

He shifted quickly enough that his clothes didn't even tear. I wasn't even aware that was possible.

I stared at him for much longer than I should after that. His wolf was beautiful, pure white fur that was thick and appeared as though it would be luscious and silky at the touch. He was large for an Omega, where Omegas would usually be petite and docile creatures when in both wolf and human form, Ace, however, was probably the same size as an Alpha's wolf; twice the size of an averaged sized wild wolf. Ace's shifted form was purely breathtaking.

I also had not seen Ace sleep at all during his two-week stay here. I had seen the dark bags under his eyes, although recently he did seem to be doing better. Now though curled up in front of the fire, seeming completely relaxed I felt my lips curve into a small smile.

He had slept for almost three hours before he woke, stretching his magnificent form and shifting back. He changed back into his clothes and as he did so I took time to appreciate his bodies build. He wasn't packed with muscle, more toned than anything. Various scars littered all over his body that stood pale against his darker skin.

"Eyes on your paperwork, Princey." Achilles had grinned over his shoulder at me and I'll admit I blushed as I tried and failed to finish the forms in front of me. After that Ace just lounged in the chair in front of my desk and whined about how bored he was.

Just as he opened his mouth to whine for the fifty-first time, I sent him a glare. "Yes, I know you're bored, no I'm not going to entertain you. Go find someone else to do that."

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