No Questions, Just Hugs

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Logan Mercier

"Hmm, Princey?"

My head shot up from where I was finishing reports that I had been neglecting this past week. Being the Crown Prince isn't easy.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked, putting my paperwork down and lacing my fingers with Ace's. He looked up at me blearily, blinking to rid the sleep from his eyes. He looked exhausted which I didn't blame him for considering the amount of pain I had witnessed him go through only days ago.

When he finally regained his senses he shifted his head to look at me and smiled. Achilles then squeezed my hand and winked. "No more paralysis so I guess you lucked out on shutting me up."

I chuckled, lifting my other hand to push the hair from his forehead before placing a soft kiss on it. "How unfortunate, I guess I'll have to suffer for a little while longer."

Achilles pouted, his bottom lip hitting out in a way that made me want to bite it. "Just a little while? Why are you planning on getting rid of me sometime soon?"

A small smile made its way, not my lips. "No." His eyebrows rose. "At least not yet. Gimme..." I checked the time on my phone, "Gimme an hour and we'll have this conversation again."

He shoved me weakly, pulling his hand from mine and folding them across his chest as he pouted.

"Ace...come on don't look like that."

He still didn't look at me.

"Achilles!" I whined half-heartedly.

His head snapped towards me there was a mixture of sadness but also there was a fire dancing in his eyes that made my shoulders relax. He wasn't actually mad at me. "Tell me what you're thinking?"

"Well, four out of five voices in my head think you're an idiot. The other is deciding where to bury your body."

A gasp left me as I clutched my hand to my chest in mock pain. "Can you just be nice for two minutes?"

He hummed, pushing himself up so he could sit in the bed. "I gave it some serious thought and I'm afraid that's not possible." He said literally two seconds later. I rolled my eyes. Serious thought my ass.

A bark of laughter left me but soon died when my eyes met Ace's sad ones. Ace tenderly reached out and gently touched the scratch on my face. "I'm sorry I hurt you."

"No you're not." I said teasingly.

"You're right I'm not," He replied although there was a type of sadness in his voice and eyes that made me not quite believe him.

"Prick," I grinned.







"Damn right." I laughed but as our eyes met again all the laughter died from the air. I took a moment to appreciate how relieved I felt to see his eyes open and alight with happiness. It was a much better than the pure agony I had seen in them a few days ago.

His green eyes seemed the picture of perfection, slicing into one's soul. There was a momentary flash in them a sparkle, reminding me of the day we first met. Those green eyes reminded me of dew grass freshly watered. An unfamiliar warmth rushed through my body. Emotion welled up in my throat and in his eyes as we stared at each other.

"You really scared me you know? I don't..." I swallowed thickly. "I haven't felt fear like that before and I don't-I cant..."

Achilles lifted his hand and cupped my cheek, his thumb stroking back and forth tenderly. "I know Logan. I know."

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