Ruin Me

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[Warning this chapter does contain sexual content so if you don't want to read that then don't read this chapter. It's as simple as that.]

Logan Mercier

"Fuck!" I cursed as someone forced me back into the wall after I entered my room.

I started to struggle but stopped when Ace's strong scent drifted up my nostrils. "Achilles what the fu-" I didn't get to finish as his soft lips pressed against mine, effectively shutting me up. I didn't mind though as his tongue immediately surged into my mouth, rapidly tasting everywhere he could.

Angling my head to the side, I heard a low rumble leave Ace's throat as my tongue rubbed against his. The sharp taste of mint flooded my mouth along with the faint hint of coffee. The combination made Achilles's taste become fucking addictive.

Somewhere in my lustful haze I heard the lock on my door click before Achilles grabbed my wrists pinning them above my head and held them there with one hand while his other gripped my waist with a strength that I knew would leave bruises tomorrow. One of his is legs slipped in between mine and I instinctively ground myself onto his thigh, trying to get some relief from the ache of my swelling dick.

Too soon, he wretched his mouth from mine and pulled back slightly so our eyes connected. His green eyes were glazed over in a lewd sheen and his lips were swollen in a way that I was pretty sure matched my own.

Ace's lips looked plump and pretty damn biteable as his tongue darted out and ran it across his swollen bottom lip, making me hyper aware of them. I had half expected his lips to be hard but instead they were soft, supple and lucious. Though his lips looked pretty, it was the feel of them against mine  that sent my mind into a sensual state of intoxication.

Our chests rose and fell in sync and it took a couple of moments before he finally spoke again. "Tell me, your highness, has anyone touched you like this recently?"

Confusion fogged up my brain. "Wh-what? No."

Ace cocked his head to the side and looked at me like I was his prey and I was more than happy to be devoured by him right now.

Humming, Achilles learned in leaving a trail of wet kisses across my jaw and down my neck. "Really? No one has left you panting...aching, wanting like this?"

"Ah-Ace." I groaned as he bit gently on the place where my shoulder met my neck.

"That's not an answer Logan." He said sounding a little smug. Wanting more I arched my back grinding down onto the leg that was strategically placed between my own. My cock was painfully hard and the tight confines of my jeans were becoming more uncomfortable by the second.

"Logan?" Achilles prompted and I shook my head, already forgetting what he had asked me.

He chuckled darkly. His left hand drifted from my waist to under my shirt, his fingers felt cool against my burning skin. They traced the defined lines on my stomach before trailing back down. "Honey Laine, have you heard of her before?"

"N-no," I growled, fighting Achilles hold on me. I needed him to kiss me again or touch me. I just fucking needed something.

"Really?" He asked quieter this time and I only heard him because his face was inches from mine.


Achilles kissed the corner of my mouth and slowly removed his hand from my shirt and a shameful whine left me. "One more question." He said and I almost punched him.

"Did you or did you not get a blow job from Honey laine in the girl's bathroom yesterday?"

My body froze and my eyes flickered open. His gaze was still as heated as I'm sure mine was but there was also a hint of uncertainty there as well as something that made my lips curl upwards into a cocky smirk. "Are you jealous Achilles?"

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