The Abomination

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Achilles Morgan

Oh fuck.

I knew something was bound to go wrong the minute Demi had spoken the name Edward Gracien.

The man was a charm to be sure. He had the right twinkle in his eyes and a voice that was warmer than sunlight on amber. His voice had that air of power, of total confidence. He could tell people up was down and they'd follow him just to hear more of his sweet words. There was something in the way he looked at you too like he's doing so much more than just taking in your form like others do. In that way, his own face started to look like a mask, controlled in order to have a particular effect on you.

Gracien was one of the people who had helped me. Well, I don't know if I could really call it help. He taught me how to mask my emotions, taught me how to use pain as a weapon and taught me that in life you can't trust anybody but yourself.

I was young and naive enough to believe him before I really came to my senses. I was barely fourteen when we first met. I had been living in my shifted form for around six months and made the mistake of walking int territory that was known for danger. Hunters liked to scour that area and kill wolves to take their pelts home for rugs or just to pin on their wall. 

The hunters noticed me and tried to shoot and kill me but fortunately, I was too quick. I ended up in Gracien's territory and was captured by his men. Back then I thought he had taken pity on me when his pack forced me to shift back, it took awhile for my brain to catch up with my human body because after being in a different form for a long time you start to think differently too.

I had been an idiot to believe someone as charming as Gracien was trying to help me. He had fed and clothed me and taught me the ways of the wild. Showed me that even though he was an Omega he could be more powerful than any other wolf. 

Luckily for me, I was smart enough to get out when I did. Gracien's pack had been involved in some strange dealings and were meeting with some untrustworthy people so I used everything the man had taught me against him and managed to escape with seven grand and a large binder that was full of all his recent transactions including the bad ones.

I had dropped the binder anonymously with the Lupine Council before fleeing like a maniac. From what I heard his pack had received some very serious investigation but clearly that came up with nothing considering the fact that he was still on friendly terms with the King. Although I guessed that was all about to change now.

Edward Gracien wasn't a man you stole from easily though. I knew one day he would resurface and we'd meet again, I just never thought it would be under these circumstances.

My eyes darted between the leader of the Palecrest pack and Logan who was being held at knifepoint by one of Gracien's most trusted beta's. I forced the mixture of panic and fury that threatened to break me back inside a lockbox deep in my head. I needed to remain calm and figure out a way to get everyone out safely. However, as my eyes did a quick scan of the area I could see that all of the Redtooth pack members had been incapacitated. Everyone from the King to his subjects.

"What is the meaning of this Edward?" The King asked his once trusted ally but his eyes remained firmly on his Queen who was struggling against heeled boot that was pressed against her breast bone.

"Silence now my dear King this isn't about you right now." Gracien growled. "I suggest you behave nicely now unless you want me to start killing off your family and friends one by one."The King ground his teeth together but remained silent. "Now that's a good boy."

Edward Gracien then set his sights on me. A smirk curled at his face as he took a step towards me. "Now my dear Wraith I think it's about time we caught up, don't you? It has been such a long time."

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