Panicking Burns A Shit-ton of Calories

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Logan Mercier

I tried to give off the impression that I was totally calm and in control as Gracien's men marched us back to the palace.

Nobody said a word, nobody dared to even breathe too quickly in fear that even the slightest wrong move would sentence Achilles to his death. I knew that wasn't likely the case though. Edward Gracien wanted an endless supply of Achilles' blood and the only way to truly have that would to keep alive for as long as possible.

Goddesses, I still couldn't believe it. Achilles Morgan, my mate was an ancient gift passed down through centuries. His own blood was a gift or a curse depending on how you looked at it. The mutante flowed harmlessly through Ace's veins and none of us even knew it. Except of course Edward Gracien, Emery Carlisle and Achilles himself. He didn't even seem surprised when Gracien told him that his blood was what he was after.

I couldn't even bring myself to be angry at him. Not after seeing the look of betrayal and disdain cross his features when he found out the truth about his mother and what she'd done. I guess we both had our secrets.

Neither one of us had been very good at being completely transparent with each other but I made a promise to myself that I would fix that when I got Ace back. And I would get him back.

Even if I had to split the universe in two with my own bare hands and then climb the stairway to the sky to defeat the Moon Goddesses and demand they change the fate they had planned.

There wasn't a chance in any world, mythological, fantasy or reality that I would ever leave him there even if that was what he wanted me to do.

Achilles was my mate and I was his as he had finally admitted out loud and although he was trying to help protect me and my family so I would happily risk my life to bring him back home.

Despite my cool exterior, the inside of my mind was surging with hysteria. I was fucking terrified of what would happen to Ace while he was under Gracien's control. I liked to believe that he would have a plan and at any moment he would just jump out of the trees with that cunning grin on his face and that glint in his eyes that told you that he knew he had won.

I would give anything to see that right now but I knew that wouldn't happen. Ace had gone with Gracien's men to save me, save my pack from being slaughtered one by one and I also knew that there wouldn't be a chance that Achilles would put us further at risk after going through all of this in the first place.

I had to suck in deep, slow breaths to calm my racing heart when a quick flash of Ace's sad knowing eyes had met mine for the last time or at least what he believed to be the last because I knew he wasn't expecting to see me again. He was banking on the idea that Gracien would either kill him immediately or Ace would kill himself before Gracien could do any more harm. Achilles was just that type of person and after all the shit he'd been through already I knew he wouldn't hesitate to end his life to save hundreds of others.

I clenched my fists hard enough that my nails cut into my palm where I had shoved them deep in the pockets of my jacket feigning nonchalance. In reality, I was on the verge of breaking down but I had to remain calm. In the end, I was still the Crowned Prince goddammit and I wasn't about to show weakness when my pack needed me to be strong.

When the darkness threatened to consume you, you had to hold on to the last remnants of the light that had previously surrounded you. For you'll know that you held on and you can survive in the dark.

"You're free to enter your palace alone your majesties," Said the Beta who has only minutes ago had a blade pressed to my neck. He turned around in the seat of my car and eyed the Royal family with what I could only describe as chagrined. "I strongly suggest you do not alert anyone else to today's proceedings and just try and accept what has happened."

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