Modesty? What's That?

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Leaning against the wall, I stared out over the large expanse of trees that seemed to stretch over miles. Being late autumn the leaves were various shades of reds. The green flags of the trees had become sepia-toned, waving in the cool wind.

The leaves dance from branch to ground, each a colorful flag without strings or pole, free to roam. I felt the breeze, through the open window. Rich with the aroma of the Earth, the keeper of the seeds for the springtime to come. There is a calmness, as if all the gold, berry-reds, and browns that flutter about are a cozy quilt, bringing us the same peace as the nighttime. It is the time I once again see how the trees are clad in the many hues of the soil, see how their bark is their fingerprint, speaking to us of beauty in their silent way.

It was much colder than it was a couple of weeks ago. It was times like this when I would be creating a new alias so I could settle down in some town for a couple of weeks, wait out the cold nights in a crappy motel. I never minded sleeping outside. Not like I had a choice in the past few years but there was something comforting about sleeping under the stars, with the sweet calls of mother nature's pets rustling around you. The soft wind that hums to you like a sweet lullaby and the calm, joyous rocking of the trees above.

Sleeping inside was a different story. When you were trapped inside your room there was no breeze or the quiet whispers of the animals hidden from sight. There was just eerie silence and unnatural darkness. A bed was comfortable, sometimes too comfortable. I much rather enjoyed the uneven ground or the rough bark of a tree instead of the smooth silk sheets or the strange feeling of cotton against my limbs.

Of course, that was probably just me. After spending years having to sleep outside, having no permanent home or place to stay over the past decade. I didn't mind. Outside I could breathe, I was as close to freedom as I could get but right now within these four walls I felt trapped, unable to reach that fresh-tasting air I so desperately craved.

Sighing I rubbed my stiff neck. I had holed myself up against the window, my left side crushed against the cool glass. It was as close to the outside world as I could get. After tossing and turning in the sheets of the bed I gave up trying to find sleep after a few hours and instead rested against the window. It only opened an inch or so and I hated it but I made do. I had watched the sunrise and the stars and moon fade away until they were brought back to life by the big ball of gas we circled around. I listened to the bird's chirp and the wolves howl. I envied them. They could run free while I was trapped here for the next two months.

I stood, stretching my limbs, groaning as my knees cracked, the sound seeming to scream in the quietness of the room. Like every morning I did my daily stretches. I started with my arms, holding them across my chest for eight seconds before switching. I moved on to my chest, then hips, then quadriceps, before stretching my calf muscles and ankles. Once my body felt a little less stiff, I changed from stretches and instead did 50 sit-ups, 50 press-ups, 50 squats, 50 jumping jacks, and then 50 bicycle crunches with a two-minute breather in between before repeating the cycle again. I did this four times before I finally stopped.

With the satisfying ache to my muscles and sweat drenching my body, I felt much more awake than I had before. The small breeze that drifted in from the window was a little comforting and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath, allowing the fresh air to cleanse my lungs.

Feeling a lot more relaxed I decided to take a nice shower in the ensuite bathroom. I savored the feel of the hot water hammering down on my scarred skin. It was a nice change considering the fact that I had been bathing in streams or rivers over the last couple of weeks. I guess staying here did have one perk.

After twenty minutes of enjoying the freshwater, I finally stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist. As I walked back into the main bedroom there was a knock on the door.

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