Operation Ignore Orders

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Achilles Morgan

Still panting Elliot's eyes shifted between the pair of us. His alpha was flushed and still pressed against the wall and I had messy hair, sweat seeping through my shirt and my hands were shaking ever so slightly. I'm sure we looked like a hot mess. Emphasis on hot because even if I refused to like him, the Prince was still insanely attractive.

"I'm sorry did I interrupt something?"



I glared at Logan and he smiled lazily at me which made the corner of my own lips twitch. He did look pretty with that boyish smile of his.

I shook my head and clenched my fists, trying to get them to stop shaking. Turning away, I then walked over to the window needing to distance myself from the alpha across from me.

Logan cleared his throat, stepping forward and straightening his shirt. "What's the problem, Eli?" He asked his voice sounding a little rough.

The beta's head jerked up and he raised a brow. "Huh?"

The Prince rolled his eyes. "The problem that you burst in here to tell me about."

Elliot's eyes widened comically. "Oh fuck, yeah. There's a bunch of wolves charging their way through our territory. Daniel said they had kids in chains too."

My head snapped around. "What?!"

Growling lowly the Prince hurried towards the door but stopped when he heard me behind him. "Stay here Ace."

"Fuck no," I replied.

Logan spun on his heel and pushed his hand against my chest. His usual hazel eyes had darkened so much they now looked black. "Stay here. This is pack business and you've stated more than once that this isn't your pack."

He then pushed me a tad and I stumbled back, the back of my knees hitting the edge of the bed causing me to lose balance and fall onto it. Without another word or even a glance, he fled the room. Elliot hesitated for only a moment. "Sorry dude but he is right." Before following his Alpha.

I growled in anger, laying completely on the bed. I knew he was right. I had no right involving myself in Red Tooth pack's business. It was his territory and his alone to defend. Why should I risk my life to help protect something I wanted no part of?

I had thrown myself in enough situations that didn't benefit me in any way and still got me hurt.

I dragged a hand through my hair.

But the kids.

There were kids in chains out there and who knows what could happen to them. Hopefully, Logan wasn't stupid enough to allow his pack to charge blindly in there without taking the kid's safety into account. They were the priority in this situation.

My left hand drifted to my right wrist and I rubbed the scarred tissue tenderly. I had spent a lot of time in cuffs. Most of that time wasn't even because I was in prison but because once upon a time I used to be a small vulnerable kid who was all alone and trusted people far too easily.

I had learned quickly enough that when someone offers you something they don't usually do it out of the kindness of their hearts but with ulterior motives underneath they're so-called 'good deed.' Unfortunately, I hadn't learned quickly enough.

I had hidden those awful memories even from myself and for them to surface now made my chest and my head ache.

Maybe it was for the best that I stayed here and let them deal with it. Who knows what I might do if I get out there. I was what some people called 'unpredictable,' even to myself at times. I acted before I thought.

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