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Logan Mercier

"Prince Logan?" My new assistant said as she knocked on my office door. I had made the decision that it was much easier to hire someone to help me out with all the paperwork I had to do than trying to do it all on my own. It also helped that Diana had even been the first to offer. She was one of my mother's friends who wanted another job and I figured why not.

"Come in," I said, looking up to my door which swung open. Diana was middle-aged but still looked to be in her twenties with gorgeous long blonde hair and a warm motherly smile.

"Sorry to interrupt you, your highness." She said and I waved her off.

"I told you to just call me Logan, Diana," I said, leaning back in my chair and yawning. It had been a long day.

"Whatever you say, your highness." I rolled my eyes at her teasing tone and beckoned her forward. "So I took all your messages from today and I organized them into three piles. From Ace. Death threats and Death threats from Ace."

My lips twitched upwards as I tried to suppress a smile. Instead, I ducked my head and held out my hand which was immediately filled with pieces of paper to which had notes scrawled neatly on them.

I couldn't stop the smile that slipped past my lips as I read through them. "Ah, how lovely. He's truly spoiling me today."

Diana smiled herself and nodded. "He always does."

"Indeed." I agreed thinking of all the wonderful things Ace has had delivered to my office or the many messages he's left me. From the threats of paper cutting in between my toes to a delivery of a muffin basket and that was only in one day. He really goes through a ranging degree of emotions very quickly.

I pushed myself up from my chair and grabbed my jacket off of the coat stand in the corner of my room. "I think I'm going to take off early Diana. So you can too."

She shot me a knowing smile as she nodded. "Tell Ace I say hi." She bowed quickly then left the room. When I exited a couple of minutes later, she was nowhere to be seen.

I winded my way through the long hallways of the palace in search of my mate. It had been a long few months as the pair of us tried to recover from the incident at the Palecrest pack's territory. Achilles would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night screaming and I had few too many panic attacks from even the look of silver cutlery.

We were a mess but we were healing each other slowly.

Our friends and family were a huge help. They supported us through all the ups and downs and I don't think either of us could thank them enough for all the shit they've put up with between us.

Achilles and I stuck together like glue recently only parting when one of us needed to use the bathroom or we were physically dragged apart and I hadn't realized how much I missed him even though I had only seen him a few hours ago.

Rolling my eyes at myself I stepped into the living room and smiled a the sight I saw. Demi and Alison were talking quietly where they were curled up talking on a single armchair, with Demi sitting in Alison's lap her arms wrapped around her. Malik was sat cross-legged on the couch opposite texting someone on his phone. Elliot was watching tv on the other couch although he was currently watching Alfie who was sat in front of him, his back leaning against the couch and his legs stretched in front of him. Achilles' head was in his lap and he had a book above him, his eyes tracing the pages with surprising speed.

Malik noticed me first, offering me a small wave before turning back to his phone. I shucked off my jacket and threw it over the back of the couch, Elliot was sitting on. He looked up at me and grinned. "Sup Princey."

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