EXTRA: Until The Earth Crumbles To Dust And The Sun Dies

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[Bonus chapter because I've been having serious withdrawal symptoms and have been missing my precious boys so here you go you wonderful people. Enjoy!]

Achilles Morgan

There was something like terror spreading through my veins. Like someone had poured gasoline onto the small ember of fear that always seemed to linger in the pit of my stomach.

I knew deep down that there wasn't anything to be afraid of. Not really, not when I had already been through so much.

I had been beaten and tortured and abused and still none of the terror I felt then seemed to even compare to what I was feeling now. Hell even as I recalled those few weeks where I thought I would lose Logan forever came close.

Perhaps I was being melodramatic, my mate often told me that I had a dependency to exaggerate everything, even things that I didn't think were possible to amplify.

Despite that fact that I knew what real terror was, living the majority of my childhood and teenage years constantly forced to look over my shoulder, scared for my life at every turn. Always resting with one eye open, dread pooling in my mind as I stared up at the sky every night wondering if this was the last time I would ever see the stars, waking up only to thank the Goddesses for letting me see the sun again.

Then there was Logan. He had swooped into my life and tossed and turned me until I had a completely different view on life itself. Even as I continuously pushed him away, showing him sides of myself that I knew no one would ever love, he still held on to me, he still wanted me.

He still somehow managed to kiss me like I was the center of his gravity, everything about him drawn and falling, falling, falling. Always falling for me without even an ounce of fear about what would happen when he hit the ground.

I had once compared him to the Sun, everyone else various little planets spinning around him in hopes of receiving just the slightest bit of his warmth. I was Pluto in this little analogy, always too far away and too small to be even considered a member of his perfect circle. But he managed to see me, managed to stretch that warmth to thaw at my icy center, managed to tug me into his gravitational pull until I like many others spun around him, unable and unwilling to escape his reach.

Nonetheless, the fear remained, even after we had conquered the majority of our demons and jumped over the tallest of hurdles. The fear remained because I was constantly worried about what would happen if someday Logan decided he didn't want me anymore, or if something else happened and he was taken away from me forever.

I needed that fear as an anchor, something to drag me back down when I got too excited or optimistic about something. I had been through too much to let myself believe that this, this peace and happiness with Logan and our family, was forever.

As the past few years went by though that roaring fire fuelled by fear had settled down to just barely an ember now. It would always be there I knew that but every day that went by and I was on the receiving end of one of the Prince's secret smiles or got a moment to just hold him, that flame died just that little bit more.

However today I was on edge.

It was a rather drastic decision on my part fuelled by a sleep-deprived moment. I could plead insanity but I had used that card up long ago when I had first allowed myself to believe that Logan could be mine even if it was just for a night.

Realistically I knew that the circular piece of metal I had deep in my jeans pocket weighed barely an ounce but the longer the week and days went on and the more I avoided and ignored my mate's texts and calls that ring started to weigh more than I did, dragging me down towards the ground until I wanted nothing more to sprawl across the grass I was pacing on and surrender to the pressure.

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