Fuck The Patriarchy

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Achilles Morgan

Something was wrong.

I don't know what it was but something was definitely wrong.

I only know something's wrong because things in my life were going well and that could only mean that something devastating was about to happen.

Things just didn't go well for me. It was basically against the natural laws. I'm sure somewhere above the Goddesses had it written down on sacred parchment that declared that Achilles Morgan was not allowed to have anything good in his life  and if by the minuscule chance he does get something nice then that will be quickly ripped from him before he can even say 'fuck you.'

Yeah, that was definitely written down somewhere.

Call me a pessimist or whatever but I know where this was going, where it always ended. Too many times had I believed that something I wanted could last before it was cruelly destroyed.

After the first few times, I learned that having high expectations just meant you had further to fall when reality hit. So I simply stopped wanting things, stopped giving into temptation and even on the rare occasion that I did I always found a way to break it up before it broke me.

It's not all bad though there are some good points about being a pessimist for example in any situation you are constantly being proven right or pleasantly surprised. Unfortunately, it's usually the former.

However, my deplorable past just meant that I had to appreciate the good things I had even more. Take now, for example, it was a gorgeous Sunday afternoon considering it was moving into early winter the sun decided to make itself known before it moved on to heat the rest of the world.

The pack had just had its weekly Sunday lunch and Logan, Elliot, Alison, Demi, Malik and I were all laughing in a familiar spot around the back off the palace.

In this light that painted my skin so warmly, the trees were dancing ladies, each in dresses more fabulous than any designer could craft. They moved, choreographed by the wind, in perfect time with one another. They were the life and soul of this late afternoon, and I wondered how many hues of green my eyes were able to witness.

My eyes remained closed as a soft sigh left me and my mind wandered back to this past week. It had been a rather...boring one, to be honest. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing though as I found the lack of activity kind of relieving. In fact, I was loving it.

School was fine as usual, I had had no more run-ins with that group of bullies that were kicking the crap out of that omega whose name I learned to be Liam. He was a sweet kid, in the grade under me and in the same pack as Emily and Keaton.

I'd had a few conversations with him and found that we got along quite well. He was cheeky, sarcastic and flirty even. Let's just say Liam was a riot and was slowly becoming apart of our little group too.

There was also the matter of Dr. Carlisle's theory. I hadn't seen her since I gave her the vile of my blood. I didn't know whether to take that as a good or bad sign but as the days went by and she still hadn't made her presence known and I suspected that something bad was going to happen, but again that could just be my pessimism acting up. I didn't even want to risk simply asking around for her because that would raise everyone else suspicions and I didn't want people questioning me about something I didn't have a clue about either.

Another change in the past week was that Logan and I had kind of slipped into something. Something terrifyingly like an actual relationship. Neither of us had said the words allowed but we sure as hell were acting like a couple. Ever since I had got down on my knees for him Logan hadn't changed much. He still tried to charm me out of my pants and grinned at me as though he knew something I didn't.

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