Favourite By Default

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Logan Mercier

I needed to move. I felt the need to move almost without end; if my limbs were moving the anxiety was gone, or at least I could ignore it for a while.

The main living room that the pack used wasn't small by any means. There was an extensive amount of space and enough seats and couches that at least twenty people could be in here at a time but now it had never felt so small. Most of my friends and my parents were waiting patiently for the news on Ace. I had originally wanted to wait outside after he woke up after three days but my parents had ordered me to wait here until my mate and Dr. Carlisle had finished talking.

I was going crazy. I honestly didn't know what to do with myself. I even found myself missing his stupid insults.

"Logan if you don't sit down I'm about commit treason by punching the Crown Prince," Elliot growled lowly. My pack sat waiting patiently for any news too offering my silent support. My parents were cuddled up together on a love seat as were my twin and her mate on an armchair with Alison sat on Demi's lap. Elliot was sat on another much larger couch with Malik and Alfie was biting his nails off as he stood facing the window. He looked worse than I did and that was saying something.

He had been an anxious mess these past few days like I was. Constantly worrying and freaking out. However, while he suffered in silence I was a ball of anger to everyone.

I had always been known for my temper. While I didn't have a short fuse when it came to my anger when I did snap I was a force to be reckoned with.

I even snapped at my mother and that was a mistake on my part. She may not be able to shift into her wolf form but she could rip my throat out if she wanted with the best of them.

"Alf you doing okay?" Alison called from my sister's lap making everyone turn to him. He didn't turn around just continued to stare out the window remaining motionless.

Elliot stood, carefully placing a hand on the small of his back. Too quickly, Alife pushed away from him, jumping out of his skin as he held his hands up to protect his head. "Alfie?" Elliot said shock evident in his voice.

Seeming to realize what he'd done, his eyes widened. "Oh god, I'm so sorry."

"Hey don't apologize it's okay."

Alfie nodded, however, he still looked guilty. Before anyone could really analyze the tall boy's reaction Dr. Carlse bustled in. There was no sign of distress on her face which I was taking as a good sign. "How is he?" I said the minute her foot crossed the threshold of the living room.

"He's fine. Just sleeping." My shoulders sagged in relief as I fell back on the couch, relaxing for the first time in what felt like months but was only a few days.

"What was wrong with him?" My father asked, standing to speak to the pack doctor. He had been strange lately. Any mention of Ace seemed to make him pause and he would even go to the effort of changing the subject. He was hiding something but I haven't had the time to approach him about it yet. 

Dr Carlisle chewed on the inside of her lip for a moment, her eyes drifting from her King to me. "Achilles was going through an early onset heat."

My brows rose to my hairline. "Heat? But males rarely get heat. It's usually the females when they haven't mated."

"Yes well, Achilles is a special case. In a normal case, a female shifter may suffer through her heat when she hasn't mated by sixteen. This can also happen in males too in, as you said, very rare occasions. It seems that due to Achilles malnourishment and underdevelopment that his Heat perspired much later than it was supposed to."

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