I Swear On A Stack Of Abs

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Logan Mercier

He was pacing when I found him. His hair was wild atop his head, a clear indication that he'd been running his hands through it. His face was battered and bruised in a way that made me want to just turn around and punch those idiots for what they had done to my mate.

Stress and anxiety were coming off him in waves and I could practically feel the anger he was still recovering from. The slight stench of blood drifted up my nose and concern replaced anything else I was feeling. The bastard sure did know how to punch.

I was still trying to figure out what I had just witnessed. Ace was so damn fast that even as he moved around the small space he was fighting in he was barely a blur of red due to his hoodie. I wasn't the only one who was shocked at the scen. Whispers had spread from the moment the crowd started to form. One name clear among all others.


Until now I had really underestimated his skills. I knew that he was talented and quite powerful due to his reputation but even I wasn't expecting his speed and the fluidity of each movement. The blows he landed too were packed with so much strength but you could also see the calculated choice he made before delivering each punch.

Every decision, every dodge, every maneuver was thought about before it was made.

He was quick.

He was strong.

He was the Wraith.

That didn't mean I wasn't mad because I was. Achilles shouldn't have gotten involved in a situation he knew would escalate to violence. I hoped he was smart enough to at least let them react first so he could claim self-defense but I highly doubted that.

I had been worried when Achilles left the lunch table. I didn't know what he saw or heard but it had led him directly into the arms of Jason Quinn.

Quinn was a rather troublesome Alpha. It wasn't that he lacked discipline but that he had received too much. The male had been taught and raised under the firm hand of James Quinn one of the few Alphas who still believed Alphas were superior and Omegas were nothing but the dirt under our boots.

With my father's influence, his pack was slowly deterring to more modern beliefs but it was much harder than we thought possible. James Quinn was already on the Kings bad side due to the lack of respect he showed my mother when they visited a few years ago. He had pretty much blatantly ignored her all because she was an Omega.

It didn't help that his son was pretty much the same. He was prejudiced and audacious. I had on more than one occasion wanted to punch him for the way he acted but restrained myself because I was the Crowned Prince and couldn't afford to act like an idiot. I had to think before I acted which was more problematic than not at times.

However, where he did have his flaws there were some redeemable qualities about Jason. He knew when to back down for one. He was respectful to the people he knew were above him as shown when he listened to my order earlier.

Jason wasn't all bad he was just a close-minded Alpha whose father had forced his prejudices on him.

A sigh of frustration left me as I made my way towards Ace. "Achilles," I said and his pacing halted just for a moment. His back remained to me as his body stiffened.

After another minute or so, he finally spun around. "Okay before you start yelling at me. I know I fucked up okay? I shouldn't have gone that far but I-I just lost my shit. They were bullying this Omega and then he said stuff and I tried...I really tried to give him a chance to leave but then he punched me and I just reacted there wasn't-"

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