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Achilles Morgan

Some people were just too easy.

Others were too naive.

And most were just too confident.

Some consider confidence to be a strength and it is to some degree. Confidence allows you to be brave and grow big, grow strong by having faith in your own heart to be your guide. And, love, should you ever need a light and there are none, you can be your own; flood your system with the love that runs in your veins and let it shine bright.

However, there are times when confidence is a weakness. If you are too confident you can miss things that are right in front of you. For example, while you're too busy congratulating yourself on catching a thief for stealing a pen worth twenty grand you're missing them actually taking a pair of ten grand cufflinks.

Sure it's less money but if you can manage lots of little scores like that then you can rack up money quite easily.

I grinned as I appreciated the platinum black cuff links under the light. It was just too easy to slip them into my pocket yesterday while I was talking excessively about that stupid crystal glass paperweight on the King's desk.

Far too easy.

A chuckle left me as I slipped them into a zipped up pocket at the bottom of my rucksack. They made a small clinking sound as they clashed with the other items in there. Nothing much, just two diamond rings, an 18ct gold chain, and a Hublot classic fusion watch. Altogether I had made about forty-five grand and that was more than enough to set me up with a new life once my final weeks were up.

Just two more weeks and I'd be free. No more bounties, no more being hunted, no more having to look over my shoulder although I figured that was something I'd always have to do. I had pissed off too many people for them to not come after me eventually.

Maybe I'd move to a completely different country altogether. Perhaps somewhere in Europe. I've always wanted to visit Rome and Portugal. There were just so many possibilities.

There was a small painful twinge in my chest that seemed to appear every time I thought about leaving. At first, I ignored it and played it off as anticipation but the closer I got to the inevitable leaving date the more it started to hurt.


That one word had been echoing in my head for the past week, ever since I had spent another night wrapped in Logan's arms. 

If I closed my eyes I could still feel his heat seeping into my bones, the warmth of his lips on my skin, his intoxicating scent drifting up my nose. I could still feel the safety and strength he offered.

I hated it.

I loved it.


I shook my head vigorously as I shoved all my stuff back in my rucksack, throwing it down by the bottom of my bed. I then walked over to the large expanse of windows that offered a perfect view of the territory the Royal family had.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I took a deep breath and tried to calm my rapidly beating heart.

I couldn't stay. There were so many reasons I couldn't.

The first was that I didn't belong here. I didn't belong in a place like this, in a palace like this. I was a fucking thief and murderer, not royalty. I didn't even know how to use a mobile phone correctly imagine me trying to help run a country. There was also the fact that nobody would ever accept a criminal as a king let alone an infamous one like me.

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