Proficient Talent for Sucking Dick

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Logan Mercier

"I'm dying."

"You're not dying." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"I am," Ace insisted pressing his palm to his forehead. "I'm slowly slipping away. I can feel it."

"You have a cold."

He sniffed and his eyes drifted closed. "Both of my nostrils are blocked and my head is pounding. Death will come to collect my soul any minute now,"

I laughed, shaking my head. Goddesses, sometimes he was dramatic. It was a couple of days after our date and Achilles had developed a cold. He maintained the belief that it was my fault for making him go outside for our date and I argued that it was his fault for sleeping outside in the freezing cold overnight instead of the bed we had offered him.

I found out that he was sleeping outside when one of the guards approached me after he'd been patrolling. He recognized Achilles's white wolf and then came to report it to me.

I understood that he didn't like to be cooped up but it was getting below freezing now and even if he was used to the cold temperatures he still was eventually going to get sick.

He had come down this morning looking pale and sneezing like I don't know what. He had assured us all that he never got sick but when he practically sneezed his brains out for the thirtieth time in twenty minutes my mother sent him back to bed and sent me with him because apparently, it was my duty to protect my mate from everything, even his own damned immune system.

I thought it'd be easy. Just get him to eat some warm soup, he'd slip in and out of sleep and all would be well the next day but no, Achilles even makes being sick difficult.

At first, he wouldn't get in the bed and then when he did he complained that the feel of the sheets made his skin itch so I had to go get some fresh ones and he didn't even like those so I just wrapped a blanket around him and told him to deal with it.

Then, of course, he said that he was too hot so I opened a window and then he was too cold so I closed the window. We went back and forth like that before I threatened to throw him out of it if he couldn't make up his mind. I knew I was supposed to care for him and I wouldn't mind if he didn't make everything so difficult.

So here he was now whining about his inevitable death and I was stuck looking after him.

"Well lucky for you, you don't have a soul so you may just survive this one." I smiled teasingly.

He kicked me with his leg and I chuckled. "How can you talk to me like this on my death bed? The life is draining out of me slowly...wait no I think that just snot." I crinkled my nose in disgust. "Can you hand me a tissue so I can wipe my nose before I continue my gut-wrenching, heartbreaking, death speech? I promise it'll make you regret every bad thing you've said to me today and every other day before that."

"You're a dramatic bastard you know that?" I said as I rolled my eyes at him again. I stood to get the box of tissues I left on his dresser. I handed them to him and he blew his nose, throwing the tissue in the bin beside his bed.

"Bite me." He growled.

I grinned at him."Do we really need to bring your kinks into this?"

His eyes darkened ever so slightly and another low growl left him. My smile broadened.  Another sneeze then left him and I managed to fling myself off the bed before he got his germs all over me. "Maybe I should be wearing a hazmat suit."

Achilles gathered enough strength to fling a pillow at me but it didn't even hurt when it hit me and that was a sure sign that Achilles Morgan was not his self right now.  "This is your fault. If anyone deserves my germs it's you."

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