Death By Castration

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Achilles Morgan

The next week or so was honestly not as bad as I thought it'd be.

I figured out a solution to my no sleeping problem which really wasn't anything technical. It just involved me sneaking out and sleeping outside under the stars before sneaking back up to my room in the morning. I didn't expect it to work but it has so far.

Going to school wasn't nearly as awful as I had pictured it. Of course, it was still full of the awful scent of overused perfume, cologne, depression, and anxiety but I didn't expect anything less. This was high school after all.

The halls were always crowded with people, and the chaos was so perfect, like a movie. There was the couple that was always making out on the left side of the hall, and about ten feet farther down, the cliquey girls. Opposite them, the cliquey jocks, and between them, the parade of band geeks with their huge instrument cases. There were the aerospace tech kids who never did anything but make paper airplanes and the fashion kids that wheeled mannequins and clothing racks down the halls. It was strange to see. I really did expect it to be worse but it wasn't.

Sure there were still your stereotypical assholes and people who thought they were better than each other but wasn't that just high school anyway?

There were a few Alphas that tried to intimidate an innocent little omega like me but I easily put them in their place. Stupid pack animals.

Fortunately for me, high schoolers were surprisingly gullible. You'd think they'd be smart enough not to allow themselves to be lured into a trap but they weren't. It was rather that or I was just incredibly good at conning people. Maybe a mixture of both.

I had made quite a bit of money on my first week from selling information or just pure scams that people would never figure out were actually a scam. The information was harmless, just gossip that people thought was important but really wasn't, such as who was dating who, did the jock have sex with the nerd, is said jock getting kicked off the football team. It was honestly worthless information but when I gave it to them they acted as if I had just given them the world.

I did know just how vicious gossip and rumors could be. They could start as harmless before turning cruel and ruining someone's day. My solution to that was to just have different types of gossip going around though because as soon as one rumor starts there will already be a different one starting meaning everyone will forget the one prior. It's a good system if I do say so myself and it's making me money, which is great.

I have also been able to avoid most of the Redtooth pack and the royal family. Although I was forced to join everyone for Sunday brunch and the daily run that proceeds after said brunch, which I didn't mind because you know food and running is my perfect day. The rest of the time I spent outside, reading or I would even go spend hours over at Alfie's, just catching up.

Now we come to the matter of Alfie Cook. He was the only person that ever had me considering sticking around somewhere for a permanent basis. I liked him from the moment he sat beside me under a bridge I was staying under at the time and talked to me for hours.

He didn't ask me anything, didn't offer me anything, he just sat there and talked. He came back every day for a week. I figured he'd have either got bored or would run out of things to talk about but he never did. I'd learned that his mom died giving birth to him, his dad was a bit of a recluse and didn't really want anything to do with his son. I learned that he was home for the summer holidays from some fancy boarding school and was just an all-around nice guy.

He was the first person to actually treat me like a human being instead of a monster in years. We became fast friends, often spending our days walking around or curled up together in his room.

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