Dislikes Include Being Polite and Heterosexual

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Achilles Morgan

"I should just kill him."

Alfie threw his head back and laughed. "I don't think that's an option Ace. He's the crown prince and future King. Murder won't go down well."

I pointed my spoon at him. "Murder is always an option but never an optimal one."

He rolled his eyes, bumping his shoulder against mine. I had missed moments like this when we just got to enjoy each other's company. Where I wasn't a wanted criminal and he wasn't under pressure to become the Alpha of his father's pack. We were just two teenage boys without a care in the world.

I grinned as I made a quick move to scoop up some of his ice cream with my spoon. He looked at me scandalized as I ate his mint ice cream, waggling my brows teasingly.

Alfie glared at me, his eyes narrowing. I shook my head. "I'm not scared of you."

He raised a brow. "I can change that."

"See I'm sure that was supposed to be threatening me but it honestly just sounds like your trying to flirt. Like really badly."

Alfie scoffed, pouting into his small carton. Wrapping my arm around his waist, I tilted my own carton towards him. He smiled and took a huge scoop.

I chuckled before we continued to walk around the busy mall and talk about nothing useful.

I had never been here before. The mall was huge, with architecture that schools and hospitals could only dream of. The ceiling was domed higher than any cathedral and made of the most beautiful glass. The walkways flowed like tributaries to the main rivers of people, not a sharp angle to be seen. It smelt like heaven in a handbasket and the floor shone like the surface of a lake at sunrise. In the background is music to soothe, gentle flowing notes to take the shopper's cares far away. In a world so chaotic it was ordered. In a world of pollution and desecration, it was clean perfection in bubble-wrap.

It was a huge difference from the places I was used to. Saying that I usually avoided populated places like this because it was highly likely that I'd run into someone who knew of me and thought they could earn some money by taking me into whichever person or prison had put a bounty on my head.

Someone knocked into me before hurrying away without even an apology.

"Fuck you too dude," I called, earning a couple of glares from shoppers passing me by. I didn't pay them any mind.

Alfie nudged me again taking my empty ice cream cup his and putting them in a nearby bin. "Do you always have to be an asshole?"

I shrugged. "Everyone has to excel in something right?"

He sent me a look that I could only describe as anger but not. "You could at least try to be polite."

Waving him off I stopped in front of a small fountain and watched as people closed their eyes and threw coins in. "I have no interest in being polite or heterosexual."

Alfie chuckled, pulling a coin out of his pocket and offering it to me. I shook my head.

Wishes were pointless. Just another gimmick that allowed people to have a little hope about something that will most likely never happen. If you wanted something to happen don't just long for it. I know in some cases that wishes weren't always possible but most of the time it was.

Still even having told him this, Alfie simply smiled at me and made a wish as he threw the coin into the murky fountain water.

He then grabbed my hand and pulled me along and into some clothing store. As we both looked through jeans I had no intention of buying I asked the question I was curious about. "Soooo..." I looked at the price tag of a pair of skinnies and moved on quickly why would anyone pay that much for pants? "You and Elliot?"

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