Goddesses Gift

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Achilles Morgan

I swallowed thickly, abruptly aware of every dizzying gulp of air I was drawing. "How is that even possible? I've never taken any type of drug before nevermind some strange herb I've never heard of before."

The doctor hummed again. "I believe you. In fact, I'm sure you had no idea that this was in your bloodstream at all. Honestly, I don't think this was something you took...Usually, anything you consume is washed from your system within twenty-four hours and yet every time I check the Mutante remains in your blood at the exact same level, so at first I came to the conclusion that you had taken such a high dosage once that it has stayed in your blood for a long time and is only now dwindling but once again I was proven wrong when I took separate tests when you first came in and before you woke up today...the percentage of Mutante remains the same no matter the time between tests..."

A migraine was beginning to form behind my eyes at all this knowledge. None of which was making any sense. How was it possible that something that had been eradicated centuries ago was in my blood now?

"I...I still don't understand how...?"

Dr. Carlisle searched pulled out a needle and a small bottle of something from a locked cupboard beside my bed. She injected it into the bottle and sucked some of the liquid into the needle before removing it and sticking it carefully inside my IV bag. "I did some research. Went to the old library and looked back at the books that were saved from the great purge in the 14th century and found the little information we have on the mutante. It turns out the herb wasn't actually a herb at all..." Her eyes locked with mine, the green dimming ever so slightly. "It was blood."


"Back then the people were very superstitious. They claimed to be more connected with the goddesses- Selene, Lucina and Hecate."

"Alpha, Beta, Omega."

"Right. Well, as you know Hecate was cursed into her mortal body by Selene after sleeping with her lover, Endymion, which followed into her bloodline as well, so none of her descendants could shift either."

I nodded as a tingling sensation spread through my toes. This I had heard all before. My mother loved to tell me stories of the Goddesses when I was younger and I loved to hear them so I had heard the story of Hecate and Endymion's so called 'love affair' before.

To put it into simple terms Selene and Endymion had been lovers for centuries but Selene was always busy helping the moon rise and fall as well as teaching her younger sister, Lucina, the jobs of the moon goddesses. Lucina was the Goddess of light itself as well as both solar and lunar attributes so she had an important role to play in the rest of humanity.

Hecate, who was the youngest of the three, was less involved with humanities forthcomings and instead was the goddess of waning and dark moons. As these happened rarely she had little work to do and instead spent a lot more caught up in educating herself on any subject possible the reason why she and her descendants are known for their wisdom.

The youngest Goddess was approached by Endymion and the pair formed a strong friendship when they bonded over books. However Selene mistook their relationship as a sexual one instead of the simple plationic one it really was.

Angry at her youngest sister she cursed Hecate to never be able to shift to her wolf form again and since then that curse has been passed through the Omega bloodline.

"Which is why Omegas can't shift today." I clarified as the story I had heard too many times played in my head.

"Exactly. However, the medieval Lycanthropes believed and there was a chosen few who were born with the Mutante in their blood. The Omegas believed it was a gift from Hecate. If an Omega was to drink the blood of the chosen Lycanthrope they would get to shift into their wolf form too. This was made into a monthly ritual where the wolves with the Mutante in their blood were worshipped like Gods and Goddesses themselves and every full moon sacrificed a lot of their blood so their fellow Omegas could shift every full moon."

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