Battleaxe In Heels

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Achilles Morgan

"I'm sorry you want me to what?" I asked looking up ludicrously at the royal family in front of me.

The King and Queen sat side by side on the large couch in the living room of their house. I had learned early that Monday morning that the huge palace that I had been forced to walk through for the past two days was in fact just filled with a bunch of guest rooms and even some rooms for other pack members that didn't want to live off the territory.

Lily and Jerimiah had their own separate house that was still attached to the palace but as their private quarters. Demi also technically lived there too but often spent the night in Alison's room which was situated in the main house. I had also learned that Logan didn't live in the palace at all. In fact, he had his own house that was a twenty or so minute walk away and he was just staying here until I and I quote, "got my shit together and accepted that I was his mate." That wasn't happening anytime soon.

We were all in the King and Queen's house at the moment after being dragged here by Mister Hetero himself. He was currently leaning against the wall, school bag at his feet. Logan looked like being there was the last place he wanted to be and I could relate.

"We want you to attend Logan's school."

I snorted. "Yeah, I don't think so."

"Why don't you want to? You could really benefit from it." I started to pace. I was agitated and I didn't like it.

It had been two days since I had had the chance to shift and run and it was making both me and my wolf antsy. I had rarely gone a day without shifting at least once in the past decade, some days I wouldn't turn back into my human form for weeks. This had been the longest time and although it was only two days, my wolf was used to a routine and both of us liked to stick to them.

"I haven't been to school since I was eight years old and I don't plan to start again anytime soon."

An uncomfortable silence settled over the room as the three-quarters of the Mercier family processed this fact. I didn't ask nor particularly care where Demi was although I had a sneaking suspicion she was with Alison. "Is that true?" Lily spoke everyone's thoughts.

Rolling my eyes, I ran a hand through my hair brushing it away from my face. "Yes, it's true. It's hard to attend a school when your constantly being hunted."

"So you haven't been educated in almost ten years?" Jerimiah asked.

I shrugged bringing my hands up to my mouth so I could bite my nails. A nervous habit that I couldn't seem to break but rarely did. I'd been more uncomfortable than not as of late. "I taught myself what I needed. I had spent entire days at the library or occasionally sneaked into the back of a college lecture hall and took notes on what I could before someone kicked me out. So I'm not completely stupid."

Forcing my hand from my mouth I let my arms hang at my sides. It's times like this when I was so irritable that I would read or do something that would just calm me down a little but right now I was unable to do any of those things.

Logan who was yet to say anything watched me. His face was as bored as usual but his eyes were once again flooded with questions and I could also see the pity. I growled at him which made the corner of his lip curl up.

"How did you even get me in school? You need like weeks of paperwork and histories and stuff. Why would any sane school let a convicted criminal into their walls anyway?"

King Jerimiah smiled up at me. "I'm the King, Ace. I can do what I want."

I sent him an obviously fake smile in return. "I'm not a King, Jeremiah and I too can do what I want."

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