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Achilles Morgan

"You're avoiding me." A voice rasped behind me. It was deep and rough and it still had the capability to send shivers down my spine.

I remained silent. My back as straight and as stiff as a board, my arms rigid and my legs stringent. I was a living, breathing statue. Tension rolling off me in robust waves.

The only part of me that moved was my eyes as they tracked the sky with abundant misery. There was no fairness in the dome that encased our existence, no responsibility. Some days were dark, angry and bitter, spitting rain like they were bullets. Others calm, serene with light fluffy clouds that hung there suspended without a single care in the world.

Today is as more of a mixture of the two. It was late afternoon and the sky was slowly and gradually getting darker, the sun setting calmly in the west, the earth preparing to repeat its circulation of the sun before it rose the next morning.

The sky was a somber grey that more accurately reflected my mood save for the strip of salmon pink that hovered just above the canopy, the dark green tips adding the effect that the sky abruptly ended in jagged points whereas the clouds tried to sooth it with their charcoal swirls.

"Achilles." The voice tried again but I still didn't answer, unable to find the words. "Ace-"

"I'm sorry," I whispered my voice barely audible in the deathly silent room.

"Achilles look at me." He said softly, his breath brushing the back of my neck. I hadn't noticed him move closer and that was another sign of just how lost I was.

Still, I did not move unable to look him in the eye after these hectic few months. I was terrified about what I might see.

So many things.

So many thoughts.

So many words.

Only so many times you could get hurt before you broke into millions of pieces. Unfixable.

A face appeared in my line of vision effectively blocking my attempts to remain distant. I all but crumbled as I saw those black eyes so open, so wide, so bright and filled with such light.




"Achilles." Tears welled in my eyes again but I wiped them away before they fell. Not again. I was so fucking done with crying.

He was right. I had been avoiding him. I was by his side from the very second he opened his eyes again, through every talk with the doctor to every disbelieving conversation I never even for a second left his side. Until he was discharged from the hospital two weeks later.

I couldn't exactly explain why but everything felt different when he was free and able to move again. The surgery, fortunately, had not caused paralysis to his legs although he would have to have intensive physio to gain full movement of everything, similar to me with my arm and leg.

I always found convenient ways to avoid him whether that be my own physio or catching up on school work. It was just so much easier than having to talk to him because really what could I possibly say?

"Oh hey, I'm so sorry that coming to rescue me caused you to get stabbed with a silver dagger which almost killed you. I'm sorry I was too weak to protect you."


There were no words that could make what happened okay and I didn't know how to deal with that. Goddesses I couldn't even bring myself to look into his eyes.

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