Chapter 1

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Hello, My name is Artemis Luna Alistar.

I have a brother Maxwell Alistar, I am part of a wealthy family known as the Riddle Family

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I have a brother Maxwell Alistar, I am part of a wealthy family known as the Riddle Family. My mother, Marie Riddle disappeared when I was born. My father, Joshua, never really liked me much. He was never around. My uncle, Tom, was supposed to have taken me in if something were to happen to my mother, however the last i heard of him, he was missing behind enemy territory in order to save the prisoners of the war overseas. I wonder if I will ever meet him.

My brother has entered the gang life. I was willing to join him, however, he has sent me away. I am currently on my way to Fiore. Max told me about a guild there, they were magic users just like I am. Max said that the guild helps people with magical abilities to find work, so that is where I am headed. I just hope that they will accept me.

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