chapter 31

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Everyone watched as Bella followed her brides maids down the aisle. She staid slow and steady as Tom walked beside her.

Artimis couldn't help but feel sorry for her, she could see Bella was trembling, anxiously. Sam had a stunned look on his face as he stared at her in awe.

Artimis shifted on her feet with a smile on her face as Tom slipped away letting Bella walk up to Sam and stood beside him as Carlisle began talking.

Artimis held back her confusion. It was no secret that Scorpius hated being in the spot light, much less talking in front of people, but she was sure he was going to be the one to do the ceremony as king.

Carlisle was more than qualified to perform the ceremony, there was no doubt, but Artimis could not help but feel shocked.

Gasps were heard as whispers began. Bella and Sam looked over curiously. Bella's eyes widened as she stared down at the ground.

Artimis quickly looked and saw a small black fired creature walking down the aisle towards the couple.

Artimis quickly looked and saw a small black fired creature walking down the aisle towards the couple

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"Well this is definitely a wonderous occasion" Carlisle said in awe. "Umbereon is a sacred creature to the Riddle family" he explained as Bella fought tears staring down at the small creature who stopped and sat down in front of them watching.

Bella looked back up at Sam. "Umbereon rarely makes its self known unless it's something that they feel strongly about" she explained.

"Is that a good thing?" Sam questioned unsurely.

"A very good thing" Bella replied.

"What's so special about it?" Gajeel questioned.

"Umbereon is a creature of the moon" Artimis explained. "For Umbereon to appear like this is amazing. This marriage, though it might have it's dark times will be blessed, as long as they can get passed what ever demons they have, then this union will be a strong and lasting one" she said. "I don't know what has happened recently to have made umbereon want to do this though" she added.

The ceremony continued on with Umbereon sitting there watching.

Just as Bella and Sam sealed their marriage with a kiss the doors to the throne room slammed open causing everyone to turn and look in alarm.

"I told you something was going to happen" Artimis said tensing up.

Umbereon stood and it's fur bristled angrily as she stared at the door way.

"What's this...a wedding...and we weren't invited"

"Snakes!" Bella hissed tensing up. Artimis and the guild members stood up quickly ready to fight if needed as Sam gave a growl as he stared at the men who walked in.

Bella and Angel quickly pulled some little girls behind them protectively as Artimis jumped over the seat in front of her and stood beside them.

"Ah there you are!" Butcher said with a dark laugh. "Have you recovered yet?" He asked.

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