chapter 35

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*I've got to figure something out or im going to fall a long ways down* She thought to her self as worry filled her. She knew she wasn't going to be able to hold on for very long. 

"hey need help?" 

Artimis felt a little confused at hearing the voice but then looked over and saw a little boy coming up beside her. "Alec! what!?" she exclaimed in shock. 

"learned a new trick" The boy said with a shrug as he flipped over and into the building. He reached down and pulled her up. He then turned and looked at the woman who was currently sitting in a chair watching them. 

"oh my, had to get saved by a embarrassing" Diana tsked as she sent a ball of flame at Artimis who quickly dodged. 

Artimis' hand went to her chest as she remembered the first hit that Diana had landed. 

"I dont know about embarrassing. But she hasn't had as intense of training that i have" Alec said as he popped his knuckles. 

"Alec what are you doing here?" Artimis asked looking terrified. 

"big fight going on back home. Mom sent me here" Alec replied. "but it looks like this place is just as hectic as back home" he said as Diana stood up. 

"are we going to talk or are we going to fight?" Diana asked sounding bored. 

"of course we are going to fight, You need to learn some patients, now i am not one for hitting girls...but ill make an exception seeing as you messed with a member of my family." Alec said in a scolding tone. Diana looked flustered at being scolded and then grew angry. 

"How dare you!" She exclaimed angrily and sent a smoky green ball of light at them. They jumped away from where they had been standing. 

"Poison." Alec scowled. "how pathetic. have you met my mom at all" Alec questioned. 

"ICE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!!!" 

Alec dodged a stray shard of ice. 

"when are you going to get it through your head. Ice dont work on me! i can control fire" Diana said with a smirk. 

"I know exactly what you can do. I saw it when you attacked me from behind. I can see a persons power. who they are with one touch" Artimis said as she tensed up getting ready for another attack. 

"so what, now you know what my powers are, I am still going to beat you" Diana said confidently. 

"what Artimis failed to mention is that with her gift. she can also see a person's weakness" Alec said with a smirk. 

Diana's smirk fell for a moment but then her confidence was back full force. "ha! i have no weakness!" she said determinedly. 

"Everyone has a weakness" Alec said rolling his eyes.  "My ability just so happens to allow me to cut off a persons senses" he added. Diana looked around quickly. 

"what is happening? who turned out the lights?" Diana asked in alarm. Alec moved quickly and struck several times one after the other from different directions making Diana fly forwards, backwards, up, down, and sideways. Artimis turned quickly as skeletons rose up from the floor and making their way towards her.  

Artimis squeaked seeing the animated skeletons coming towards her. Some of them were crawling on the ground. They had all sorts of weapons. "who in the hell uses necromancy!!!!" Artimis exclaimed. 

Alec looked over quickly hearing her as he stopped his assault of Diana, Unfortunately this gave her an opening and landed a well aimed kick to Alec's chest causing him to choke a little as breathing became hard for him. 

"Alec!" artimis called over to him worried seeing that there was something wrong with him. 

"I'm Fine!!!" Alec replied as he struggled to get his breathing under control. 

Artimis knew better than to believe him, but she was in no position to do anything to help him. Seeing her spear on the ground she quickly ran over and picked it up as the first wave of skeletons reached her. 

using her spear she sliced down the skeletons one by one as quickly as she could. Ice beams shot out from the spear tip splattering the skeletons into pieces. Artimis cried out as she felt something stab into her arm. she round house kicked a skeleton away from her as she grabbed hold of her arm tightly looking down at it. She was surprised to see ice forming around the wound freezing the wound. 

*feels like i was in the freezer for hours!* artimis thought to her self with a shiver. her gaze was caught by a skeleton that was chasing his head that was currently rolling on the floor from being knocked off. "that isnt creepy at all" She said as she swung the spear dismembering another skeleton. 

She tried looking over to check on Alec, but another wave of skeletons were coming her way. "where do you get this many skeletons" she muttered to her self in disbelief. She recoiled as lightening struck all around the room taking down all the skeletons. 

Artimis looked up and was relieved to see laxus walking up to her. 

"what's taking so long??" laxus questioned. Artimis was about to answer but two loud pops! were heard. She looked over and saw Alec holding a gun in his hand with an annoyed look on his face. 

"just die already!" Alec exclaimed clearly pissed off. 

"who's the kid?" Laxus asked. 

"Bella's son" Artimis replied. "She sent him with way because there was a big fight or something going on over there" she explained. 

"In case you havent noticed there is a fight going on here too" laxus said and looked over as Alec walked up to them. 

"who is he? your boyfriend?" Alec asked. 

"you know you should really stop hanging around your uncle" Artimis said annoyed. Hearing a loud crash they looked up quickly as the castle trembled. 

"That has to be Natsu" Artimis said. 

"Come on. we need help down below" Laxus said. 

"But" Artimis started to protest, but sighed and followed him out. Alec watched them for a moment and smirked. 

"they are so together" He said with a triumphant tone and followed them out. As they got back down to the surface, Atrimis noticed several of the guild mates were struggling to keep fighting. The animated ice animals were the only ones that looked to be unharmed. 

Ice, however, looked exhausted. it was clear she had been under for far too long. Fighting with so much power for this long was taking a toll on her, not that she would admit it. 

Artimis sent an ice attack to one of the dark guilds members. the guy went flying and went into the lake behind the guild hall. Artimis froze in terror as something caught under the rubble of the guild hall caught her eyes. That something was a little girl with dark hair and dark eyes. It was Asuka.

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