chapter 23

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Lucy and Artimis sat in the doctor's office quietly. they were lucky enough to have gotten in as quickly as they did on top of everything that they had just gone through.

Artimis looked up as the nurse called for her. She looked over at Lucy before following the nurse to the back. the nurse took Artimis's vitals before leaving her in a room alone to wait for the doctor.

Artimis sat there kicking at the floor tiredly as she waited for the doctor to come into the room.

She looked up hearing the door. a person with a white coat walked into the room.

"Hello," she said with a smile. "what are we seeing you for today?" she asked.

"well...the thing is...I haven't had my cycle in a fact...I don't remember having it at all since I've moved to sure before then as well. everything has been so crazy I just...forgot about it" Artimis explained.

"are you active?" The doctor asked looking over at her.

"no" Artimis replied.

"I was attacked during the games sure that nothing happened. and it's been longer than that since I've had my cycle," she explained.

"well. your blood pressure is up pretty high. but that could be from worrying about your missed cycle. or a number of things really. when is the last that you remember having one?" the doctor asked.

"umm..." artimis sat there looking down in thought. "just brothers birthday," she replied.

"when was that?" The doctor asked.

"umm...I think it's least 6 months" Artimis replied.

the doctor looked surprised. "that is a long time. have you been hurt...severely hurt in that area?" she asked.

Artimis shook her head a bit but she seemed hesitant. "nothing....too bad" she replied. "I have been feeling a lot more tired than usual though" artimis explained.

"you know how when people are really really cold and they get really really warm and they want to go to sleep....kinda like that" she added.

the doctor sat there looking at her in thought. "alright. lay back and let's see if I can't find anything" she said as she stood up walking over to artimis. Artimis looked down at the bed that she was sitting on and laid back hesitantly.

"what are you going to do?" artimis asked.

"don't worry dear. this is my type of magic. it allows me to see what is happening inside your body without having to take an Xray or an ultrasound. this way if it is magic related I will see it unlike an Xray or an ultrasound" she explained as her hand began glowing hovering over artimis.

Artimis bit her lip nervously.

"what type of magic do you use?" the doctor asked looking concerned.

"I...Im an ice dragon slayer" Artimis replied beginning to feel nervous. "is something wrong?" she asked.

"I am unsure. part of your body is covered in ice on the inside." The doctor replied.

Artimis looked up at her questioningly unsure what she was saying.

"ok. the parts in your body that allow you to have your cycle and get pregnant. those parts are frozen. covered in ice. there is some ice build up in your arms and chest as well." the doctor explained.

Artimis sat up as the doctor backed up.

"I don't know how exactly your body functions. especially since your magic is ice. but as of right now that is the only thing that makes the most sense as to why you are not having your cycle." The doctor explained.

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