chapter 5

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Artimis ran into the guild hall and looked around looking for Natsu. everyone in the guild hall turned and looked over and adopted a shocked look on their faces seeing her.

Artimis Spotted Natsu sitting over by Elfman talking. She walked up to him quickly.

"You're a dragon slayer!" she exclaimed.

Natsu looked over. "huh...yeah so are Wendy and Gajeel," Natsu said confused as he looked up at her.

"you're a...dragon....slayer" Artimis started tearing up. Everyone got a panicked look on their faces as she sunk to the ground as began sobbing into her hands

"what's wrong...oh come on please don't cry!" Natsu said hurriedly. He bent down and reached over grabbing her hand. "what's wrong with being a dragon slayer?" he asked.

Artimis looked up her eyes widened. when he touched her she had a vision of a dragon Roaring with Fire surrounding it. *it's true* she thought to her self in amazement.

"im not alone?" she whispered.

Natsu looked down at her confused.

"Alone? oh...are you a dragon slayer too?" he asked with a grin.

Artimis nods hesitantly.

Everyone once again had a stunned look.

Artimis looked around. "what?" she asked.

"ANOTHER DRAGON SLAYER!" they all exclaimed making Artimis inch back fearfully.


"That's four not including Laxus," someone said.

"what's all the ruckus about?" someone with a rough cold tone to his voice asked.

Everyone looked over and saw a man with a little girl walking in.

"Gajeel Wendy. we have a new guild member" Natsu said excitedly.

"and guess what. she's a dragon slayer too" he added.

Artimis stood up carefully and looked over at the two hesitantly.

"did your dragon disappear too?" Wendy asked looking up at Artimis.

Artimis looked down sadly. "She disappeared 7 years ago," she said with a saddened sigh.

"so did ours," gajeel said walking up to the bar and sitting down.

Artimis sighed and looked over at Lucy walked up a little winded. "thought you might need this" she said handing over a jacket.

Artimis tilts her head a bit before she finally realized that she was now standing in the guild hall in her nightgown.

Artimis let out a shriek taking the jacket and putting it over her self quickly and Reddened. "oh my god...that's almost as embarrassing as what happened with Leo" Artimis said.

"Leo? oh, you mean Loke?" Natsu asked.

"she met him while ago" Lucy explained.

"grey your clothes" someone commented. Artimis looked over at grey who was currently drinking while in his underwear.

"Oh my!" Artimis exclaimed looking away quickly.

"don't mind him he does this all the time" Mirajane explained holding up a tray with drinks.

"that's....ok" Artimis replied with a shake of the head. "wait he is an ice user. that makes sense" she said seeing Grey using his maker magic to fix something. "the other ice wizard I met does the same" she said.

"other ice wizard?" Grey said looking over.

"I think his name was Lyon," Artimis said.

"you met Lyon," grey asked standing up.

"Um...yes" Artimis nods confused.

"we use to train together," Grey said.

"oh...I see. well when I met him..he was searching for something that would help him defeat some sort of monster that was terrorizing villages." artimis explained. "he said it had destroyed his own home" she added.

"he must have been talking about Deliora," Grey said with a sigh.

"Deliora?" Artimis asked.

"he was a monster. but he is dead now" Grey replied.

"oh..that's good. I had wondered what become of him" artimis said with a sigh of relief.

"while we are here. why not get something to eat?" Lucy asked.

"oh uh alright," Artimis said with a nod. "I'll ask Mirajane to get us some food," Lucy said.

"Alright," Artimis said and went over and sat down, As she sat down at a table alone the Guildhall doors open and a man walked in wearing a coat like a cape with his arms crossed.

Artimis looked up and watched him curiously.


Artimis looked over at Makarov hearing him greet the person.

*that's laxus?* she wondered.

"gramps" laxus replied walking up to the Board. Lucy walked over to where Artimis was sitting.

"That's laxus. he is the master's grandson" Lucy explained as she sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"what's his power?" Artimis asked as she watched as laxus walked up to his grandfather and began talking to him about something that had happened in another town.

"lightening" Lucy replied. "Didn't you say you could see other people's powers?" Lucy questioned looking at Artimis confused.

"Only if I touch them" Artimis replied watching laxus.

Artimis felt as though someone was staring at her and looked over to see that Gray was watching her with interest. she gave a slight wave and turned her attention back to Lucy with a slight reddened tint to her cheeks.

"Hey wait. If your a dragon slayer...why don't you have a cat?" The guy with blond freaky looking hair and a pipe asked looking over at Artimis.

"A cat? Why would I have a cat?" She asked confused tilting her head.

"Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel all have cat's figured it was a dragon slayer thing," his friend across from the first guy said as if it was obvious.

"I don't have a cat," Artimis said shaking her head.

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